Paul Thomas

Well Known Member
I wish one could just buy the preview of the plans as they're available for every other model.

What are the specific engines called for when they say 260hp. Since we know it's a lyc 540, I assume it's the C4B5 model, but I'm not sure.
If anyone could provide a list of the specific model that Vans used to correlate their data it would be much appreciated.

Edit: And what engine are you all picking and why?
I0 540 D4a5

Picked up this 0 SMOH today at Americas Aircraft Engines in Oklahoma.
1-888 371 1371. Great company to work with.
This the same engine that is used on the Piper Comanche 260 B
There are two new '540s' listed on Van's
website for the RV-10.

O-540 A4D5 (250 hp)
IO-540 D4A5 (260 hp)