
Well Known Member
I started reading the Bingelis book on Engines, but have found it's not quite what I need at this stage. The Bingelis book talks mostly about how to install an engine. What I'd like to find is a more introductory book about aircraft engines themselves... explaining what all the parts of an engine are and how they all work together.

Can anyone recommend a good title?
I refer to my Jeppessen Powerplant book from A&P school every now and again. A great resource for everything regarding recips and turbine powerplants. Carbs, cooling, ignition, indicating are of particular interest to RVers. Depending on your engine of choice, the manufacturer should be able to supply you with more specific info. One year at SNF I picked up a Lyc. publication which included all the engine topics from their newsletters over the years. Another great resource. Contact me and I will give you more info on that.