I bought an RV-4 last year with an O-360 A3A with an Ellison Throttle Body and a C/S prop. About 200 hrs on the engine.

I pretty consistently get an engine stumble during takeoff at full throttle. As soon as I close the throttle a bit, it goes away. It does not matter whether I have the electric fuel pump on or off, it still stumbles. The engine data shows a slight drop in fuel pressure when it happens (goes from around 3.5-4.5 down to usually 2.5ish but I have seen 1psi as well when the airplane was already hot) and the fuel flow is somewhere around 13-14.5gph, so definitely on the low side.

It doesn’t always happen and it seems to be worse on hot days. I don’t have any issues if I don’t fully advance the throttle on takeoff.

The stumble has also happened in cruise at higher altitudes when I go full throttle. Lately, it has also has started stumbling after pulling positive G. For example, I’d come out of a loop (no negative G whatsoever), be straight and level, look at my instruments, see the fuel pressure drop and at the same moment get a stumble. That issue seems to go away with the electric pump on.

I went through the entire airplane and couldn’t find anything obvious. Timing, spark plugs, etc. are all fine. No issues as far as I can tell with the fuel lines, vents, electric pump and the fuel selector was just replaced. Checked all the filters, nothing found. Fuel flow test on the ground resulted in about 21gph. I’m replacing the mechanical fuel pump right now, but am not overly optimistic that it will change anything, as the “old” one was replaced in 2021 and has about 100 hours on it.

The only thing I haven’t really gotten into is the TBI because I don’t know much about it. I went through the manual and made sure the idle mixture is set up correctly and the installation seems to be according to the manual as well. I’ve read through the posts on it here. Short of replacing it with a Carb, I’m out of ideas… Any help is very appreciated!!
I bought an RV-4 last year with an O-360 A3A with an Ellison Throttle Body and a C/S prop. About 200 hrs on the engine.

I pretty consistently get an engine stumble during takeoff at full throttle. As soon as I close the throttle a bit, it goes away. It does not matter whether I have the electric fuel pump on or off, it still stumbles. The engine data shows a slight drop in fuel pressure when it happens (goes from around 3.5-4.5 down to usually 2.5ish but I have seen 1psi as well when the airplane was already hot) and the fuel flow is somewhere around 13-14.5gph, so definitely on the low side.

It doesn’t always happen and it seems to be worse on hot days. I don’t have any issues if I don’t fully advance the throttle on takeoff.

The stumble has also happened in cruise at higher altitudes when I go full throttle. Lately, it has also has started stumbling after pulling positive G. For example, I’d come out of a loop (no negative G whatsoever), be straight and level, look at my instruments, see the fuel pressure drop and at the same moment get a stumble. That issue seems to go away with the electric pump on.

I went through the entire airplane and couldn’t find anything obvious. Timing, spark plugs, etc. are all fine. No issues as far as I can tell with the fuel lines, vents, electric pump and the fuel selector was just replaced. Checked all the filters, nothing found. Fuel flow test on the ground resulted in about 21gph. I’m replacing the mechanical fuel pump right now, but am not overly optimistic that it will change anything, as the “old” one was replaced in 2021 and has about 100 hours on it.

The only thing I haven’t really gotten into is the TBI because I don’t know much about it. I went through the manual and made sure the idle mixture is set up correctly and the installation seems to be according to the manual as well. I’ve read through the posts on it here. Short of replacing it with a Carb, I’m out of ideas… Any help is very appreciated!!
A friend had an Ellison TBI with smilar
symtoms and only on full throtle.
After a long investigation it turned out
that the air/fuel ratio changed between
cylinders when air flow/rpm changed.
He came to the conclusion that this was
a design flaw of the Ellison TBI but it could also be the mounting of the TBI.
He now has a carb.
I would check CHT and EGT for all cylinders on 2300 rpm and 2700 rpm.
Look for a lean mixture cylinder on full

Good luck
It doesn’t always happen and it seems to be worse on hot days. I don’t have any issues if I don’t fully advance the throttle on takeoff.

The stumble has also happened in cruise at higher altitudes when I go full throttle. Lately, it has also has started stumbling after pulling positive G. For example, I’d come out of a loop (no negative G whatsoever), be straight and level, look at my instruments, see the fuel pressure drop and at the same moment get a stumble. That issue seems to go away with the electric pump on.
I've worked quite a bit with the Rotec. Had same issue.
Since Rotec copied the Ellison spraybar design, the same issue exists. Solved it by soldering the holes shut on the WOT end.
Sounds like it is going too lean at WOT but you are on the right track. You can PM me if interested in getting some professional assistance. Throwing parts at it isn’t the answer but you’re trying hard to fix it - good on you!
Where is your mixture when it stumbles? What is your airbox setup? The Ellison TBI is sensitive to airflow. One of the reasons vans airbox that we all have today came out was to help with airflow issues associated with the Ellison. I had an Ellison on my original RV4 and had very good luck with it. They have a few quirks but work well. I am currently flying an RV3 with an Ellison. I am at high altitude here and generally lean a caurbed engine or injected for taxi and prior to take off. The Ellison on my 3 talks back
(stumbles) when I try that on takeoff roll. It smooths right out with mixture full rich. Which model are you running?