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Simon Hitchen

Well Known Member
Hi guys, I’ve recently completed another annual inspection. FWF I checked everything, removed and cleaned the fuel injection nozzles, cleaned the spark plugs, checked the mag timing..all the usual things. Compression in all cylinders above 77.

I’ve flown 5 times in two days since the annual and on two occasions while turning crosswind at 500’ after take off the engine has stumbled momentarily. Normal operation followed for the duration of both flights. Certainly took the enjoyment out of them tho...

I downloaded the data file and for the more pronounced of the two incidents there is a 40 degree drop in number 1 EGT with an associated drop in Prop RPM (fixed pitch).

Any thoughts, advice appreciated, maybe unseen debris in the injector?

Photos attached, thanks guys.

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Try posting in the firewall forward section under Traditional Engines.

I suspect a momentarily stuck valve, but there are people with a lot more experience than what I can offer on this one.

The traditional Engine section should attract a lot more views.

Good Luck!
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