Walt Shipley

Active Member
Finally completed the engine purge. I was able to address several of the problems I mentioned several days ago, thanks to some good advice received here. The lack of oil pressure turned out to be a poorly crimped wire - I've done humdreds of those before on a couple of other Van's projects pretty much without incident, but not this time. Big John was right, it could be the sender but most likely in the wiring.

I was also able to get the trim working, thanks to Tony. Made a "screwdriver" out of a piece of fiberglass turn the pot screw. I'll probably have to fine tune the travel speed later on, but as for now, it's working.

On my radio check out, it has a very mild hum but transmits and recieves perfectly. Hopefully that wil still be the case after the engine is running and when in the air.

I still miss my steam gages on my 8A. Wish Van's had offered them as an option.

Thanks, guys.......
