Hello all, I'm new to the forum, and am sure this is a recurrent question, but I'm about to order an engine and considering the standard IO-360 Lycoming from vans vs Superior XP 360(180hp) or XP 382(195hp)

the superior is a few thousand dollars cheeper for the similar hp model, but the convience of ordering prop/engine/and firewall forward from vans might trump that for me.

thoughts from those with more experience?

The aftermarket motors are really good, whether it is Superior or ECI.

I have an ECI 180 motor and have been really pleased.

In a 7 you don't need more than 180hp, believe me !

Look at the final delivered price for a Superior, ECI or Vans Lycoming and choose what your budget allows. You will not be disappointed.

But get an MT 3 blade prop :D
I have to agree with Mike on this one. The engines are pretty much all the same.

The "hot" setup appears to be the ECI IO-370. This is a stroked IO-360 putting out 205 hp instead of 180 HP and the weight difference is negligible.

so that opens the other question, 3 blades vs 2 blades...I had decided on the 2 blade for little inc speed.

are there any potential concerns with the MT prop if needed maintenance down the road?

this may be a dumb question, but the ECI is continental based and as such does this create issues with the mounting and finishing kits from vans?

this may be a dumb question, but the ECI is continental based and as such does this create issues with the mounting and finishing kits from vans?


ECI's Continental parts manufacturing was eliminated, with the business returning to Continental "proper". Today, they will rebuild either brand of engine, but only produce Lyclone parts.
this may be a dumb question, but the ECI is continental based and as such does this create issues with the mounting and finishing kits from vans?


As Kyle mentioned, the ECI (and Superior) engines are clones of the Lycoming engine. The Van's Finishing Kits will work just fine. Keep in mine though, that even with a Lycoming, there are very slight differences, depending on which variation of the engine you buy. Still, all the parts should work just fine.

Now to figure out which ignition you want too.

As for the prop, there are many very good options out there. Take a look at Whril Wind, they make some very good composite props.

As for the two vs. three bladed debate, that is pretty much personal preference as most people don't see much difference between the two, maybe a knot or two. (I went with the two bladed prop just to make removing the bottom cowl easier.)

Yes, there will always be more maintenance with a CS prop than a FP prop but to get the most out of your engine, you will want a CS prop.
The MT has good support in the US.

No, it isn't the fastest but it is super smooth and looks real purdy !

Oh, and the acceleration is rather jolly good :D

And it is light.

And it is European.. Darn, doesn't count over there :rolleyes:
Under 200hp I wouldn't go to the expense of a constant speed prop. RV,s climb great anyway. A metal prop gives a better forward cg and less maintenance. I love Catto props, prefer 2 blades. MHO
the superior is a few thousand dollars cheeper for the similar hp model,

Interesting market changes. When I was shopping for my motor (circa 2010), none of the aftermarket folks were cheaper than the Lyc/prop deal through Vans. The only ones that came close were still flat tappet motors instead of the rollers from Lyc. Pretty easy decision at the time.