I have called both AOPA financing and NAFCO. Neither companies will give loans to help me purchase the engine and prop since the RV14 is a newer model aircraft. For those who have purchased these, is everyone writing personal checks or getting loans through other lenders? Guess I need to get a second job!!
Local bank?

Hi Ron,
Over the years, I've bought Cessnas, Air Tractors and my RV-10, all financed by my local bank. At competitive rates too. Try yours.

Check out First Priority Bank in Prior Oklahoma....they?re good people to work with. https://www.1st-of-pryor.com

I used them as well. The project was financed much like a construction loan when you build a house. You borrow what you need, when you need it.

Be forewarned, they are a small bank and don't have all the processes larger banks have. That is both a blessing and a curse. They were always responsive to both calls and emails.