
Well Known Member
I'm about to order my engine. About a year ago I put to together a budget for the -14. I had $35K for the engine. Currently it's about $51K! That's nearly a 50% increase! Did they really go up that much over the past year? Or did I make a mistake with my budget number?
You didnt say type of engine. But I priced the IO-390-EXP Thunderbolt last Summer around $41K. So a $9-10K increase since then.
I'm about to order my engine. About a year ago I put to together a budget for the -14. I had $35K for the engine. Currently it's about $51K! That's nearly a 50% increase! Did they really go up that much over the past year? Or did I make a mistake with my budget number?

The 390 engine for the -14(a) has been north of $40K USD as far back that I can remember. Lycoming had two price increased in the past 9 months that has amounted to 25%. Been watching Lycoming prices for the past 25 or 30 years. This was the largest price increase. Up until 2021, price increase have been 4% per year.
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They did have price increase twice since last year. $35K sounds about right for the standard IO-390 whereas the IO-390-EXP and thunderbolt is more expensive and probably in that $50K range.
Ok. (not really ok but...) Thanks for the info Gary. I don't know where I got the $35K number. Maybe looking at the IO-360 prices. Sigh... it is what it is.
The Non-Thunderbolt IO-390 was $35,700 at the beginning of 2020 - this is with one standard mag and one p-mag. Price does not include the Van's $1000 discount for bundling with a prop, nor the $254 shipping cost w/tailgate service.

I ordered the engine/prop package for the experimental variant of the IO-390 at the end of June 2021. I avoided a price increase by doing so, even though I'm not ready for the engine. They just announced another price increase, so I think your assessment is about right -- prices are way up for these engines since the beginning of 2021!

I received my Hartzell prop last weekend, and I expect the engine any week now.
I know everything is going up these days but it's frustrating to see increases of this magnitude from Lycoming. A real shame that Superior pulled the XP400 off the market...Lyc has an absolute monopoly on the RV-14 powerplant now, and that's bad for all of us.
Did they really go up that much over the past year? Or did I make a mistake with my budget number?

Yes they did increase that much, and your original budget number was reasonable at the time.

I bought mine six years ago so the difference between now and then is quite a bit.

I got the engine for $31k in 2016.

I got the engine, prop, firewall forward kit and IL taxes for under $50k then. Thats got to be nearer to $65k now.
Prospect for used IO-390-EXPs

Was wondering how long it will take for a used market to develop for the IO-390-EXP. I'm not anywhere near ready for the engine but, with the prices heading upward out of sight, I might not be able to swing it when I am. Might have to go with a used "original" engine. Or is there even a market for those yet?
I made my initial deposit on the Thunderbolt in late 2019. Total engine cost was about $42K. If it's now $51K, that would be an annualized increase of about 8%.
Try $57,750 now, before any "additions". 12/15/2022


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...and the RV10s

$67.5k for a bare-bones IO-540, $75k for the Thunderbolt. Roll back 10-12 years there were plenty of RVs being completed for the price of an RV10 engine alone these days.

Unfortunately, IMO, the price of the engines will be the single biggest killer of our market. Shoot, even the Rotax 915is these days is over $50k I believe for 140hp?? And that's targeted to LSA/light aircraft markets.

I was fortunate enough to acquire all my sub-kits and engine core (rebuilding), pre-covid... However I was at lunch with a group of homebuilders just yesterday having this exact conversation. Every one of us agreed that if we were wanting to start a new RV project today, it would be financially out of reach given the cost increases the last 2 years. That would have wiped out 5 RV projects from the market. Not good for EAB/VANS... This will mean a lot less new and repeat builders in the market.
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I finished my RV-8 in 5/19. Bought a new IO 370 with one mag, AFP injection and other options for 28K. If I had waited until engines and shipping were as high as now, I would have built RC model. But compared to any new factory built plane with similar or less profmance, RVs are still a bargain.
Have you guys priced the used RV market? It’s getting hard to find a decent RV7/8/9 for under $150K and the RV10 is just ridiculous.
Jim, I can tell you that three friends have been looking for a decent 8 for over a year. Good ones priced below $145k just don't exist right now.
Unfortunately, IMO, the price of the engines will be the single biggest killer of our market.

... Not good for EAB/VANS... This will mean a lot less new and repeat builders in the market.

If you are correct and based on Van's kit sales over the past two years, there will be a record supply of partially built kits on the market in the future. The high component prices may keep some folks from building, but I don't think it will be a substantial number.

Have you guys priced the used RV market? It’s getting hard to find a decent RV7/8/9 for under $150K and the RV10 is just ridiculous.

I always thought that not getting any credit for a few thousand hours of labor was ridiculous. I'm personally glad to see these high prices (at least for the well built airplanes) - long overdue in my opinion.
Try $57,750 now, before any "additions". 12/15/2022

I'm too far into the build to quit now. I hate the price increases as well. But there isn't much of an alternative. I wish the XP400 engine was still on the market. Looks like I'll be looking at placing a deposit with the prop bundle soon. I've run out of room where I'm building going to move her to 3A4 early next year:)