
Well Known Member
Whoever said there is no such thing as a dumb question hasn't met me..

I have a fixed pitch prop and a manifold pressure gauge. If I use the rule that MAP+RPM/100 = X, and X = 48 is that pretty close to 75% power even with the fixed pitch prop? (i.e., I'm running 22' MAP and 2600 RPM)
Yes, MAP gauge is for everyone

RV8iator said:
Whoever said there is no such thing as a dumb question hasn't met me..

I have a fixed pitch prop and a manifold pressure gauge. If I use the rule that MAP+RPM/100 = X, and X = 48 is that pretty close to 75% power even with the fixed pitch prop? (i.e., I'm running 22' MAP and 2600 RPM)
Yes yes yes, every RV, fixed or cs prop should have a MAP gauge.

If does not matter what prop you have, with MAP and RPM (and altitude/temp) you can get close to the actual % power. Never heard of that rule of thumb, but its pretty easy to compare it to existing Lyc power charts. Since the rule of thumb leaves out altitude and temp its going to be off +/-.

Your on example sounds about right? @ what altitude?

2,600 rpm @ 22"
ALT.....Precent Pwr

So if you are at 8,500 feet and seeing 2,600 & 22" you are really near 80%.
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Power Rule of thumb

I found it on Randy Lervold's site in a quote from Van. (www.romeolima.com/RV8/)

"While discussing this over breakfast with Van and his brother Jerry we decided that because of this the "rule of 48" was a better method of estimating power in RVs. It says that you take your manifold pressure in inches and your rpm in hundreds, add them together and when they equal 48 you are at 75% power. Then for every 3 the sum drops or increases you lose/gain 10% power. I have no idea how accurate this is so if someone out there with % power equipment in their panel would care to compare their numbers with those in this chart I'd sure appreciate it."

I was just wondering if anybody had found similar numbers on the high-tech engine monitors.
They don't call it a rule of thumb for nothing

RV8iator said:
I found it on Randy Lervold's site in a quote from Van. (www.romeolima.com/RV8/)

I was just wondering if anybody had found similar numbers on the high-tech engine monitors.
Randy is the man and what he says is always well thought out.

Running thru other combos or RPM and MAP, comparing them to the real power charts, it seems the "rule" is a little too crude to be of real use.

75% power table (generic)

RPM v Map

Now plugging in RPM and MAP into the Rule of 48.

RPM v. "Rule of 48"

From the above you see at 2,600@22" on std day at about 4,500 alt will give you "48" and 75" power.

The rule gave values of approx 47 to 49. At lower RPMs it seems the spread shifts down a little more (46 to 48).

How do engine monitors figure it out?

I can't speak for all of them, but many use a look up table based on tables and pwr curves from Lyc (see below). From the table of data its interpolated or averaged. Some also use a mathematical equation ** to estimate the precentage. Because they measure RPM/MAP/Temp and Alt, you should get close. However there are always "assumptions".

** Engineers know how to take numbers/data (a curve) and back fit that data into a mathematical equation. Its called curve fitting. Usually the equation can take any form, such as 2nd order or higher polynomial or logarithmic equation. The rule of 48 is a "first order" equation with 2 out of 4 unknowns in the mix. It will not be accurate or "fit the curves" very well except in a very narrow range or RPM/MAP.

Engine monitor with RPM, MAP, ALT and Temp input can read power fairly accurately. We have two prime unknowns, MAP and RPM. The third is density altitude (pressure alt + temp). We can make assumptions about MAP/RPM and temp/altitude to simplify but accuracy goes out the window.

It would be better to have torque and RPM, but we don't have torque gauges on little planes. Turbine or turbo-props do have torque gauges to measure engine power.

My simple solution is a laminated card with some known combos (like the generic 75% power table above. However that is for standard temp and needs a little fudge factor for hot/cold temps. Taking a clue from Lycoming, for every 10F colder than standard power increases by 1%.)

Look at different AFM's for certified planes to see how they do it; you can see the different approaches. Most people don't want to crunch a log or polynomial to get an answer, so the look up table is handy. AFM's for Cessna or Piper have simple tables with simplifying assumptions as well. However the will not work directly for a RV. You have to make up your own. That is why a MAP gauge is so critical to knowing power, even with a fixed pitch prop.

What the AFM's do, through flight test, with a MAP gauge, is come up with the data and turn them into power v rpm tables, usually normalized to std day. However manufactures who sell fixed pitch prop planes, take the MAP gauge out when they certify it and sell it. Why? The FAR's tell them its not required and it simplifies pilot operations (one less gauge to look at). Also it simplifys the manufacturing, lowers cost. They can do it because there's some relation to RPM verses MAP with fixed pitch props (+/- some variation). Unfortunately its a BIG simplification and lowers your ability to estimate the true power you are making. With a RV we have so many variations in engine and props that the airframe installation factor comes in, so using Cessna data on a RV or even between RV's is not going to work great. The MAP gauge takes the most of the guess out.

MAP is needed even for fixed pitch prop planes. The charts made for fixed pitched Cessna's and Pipers are approximate based on specific flight testing, however even a MAP gauge would still be useful regardless of prop.

The reason a C-172 or Cherokee 180 tables don't work for RV's directly is for many reasons: airframe drag, prop design, induction design and exhaust design. All these factors affect MAP and power. The more airframe drag with a different prop means the prop is loaded differently and there for the "load" (power) on the engine is different and the MAP is different.

At the bottom of AFM charts, in small print, are "correction factors" or "fudge factors" for high temp or low temp. Many ways to estimate power, but the key word is estimate. With out torque we are gussing a little even with RPM and MAP. However ALL planes, especially experimental ones should have a MAP gauge, even with a fixed prop.

It's a little more complicated than that:(click me once or twice)

NOTE: The chart above does not really work for RV's because of our ability to pull more MAP at higher altitudes. This is due to the better air box and faster speeds we fly at (ie ram air pressure). Still MAP, RPM, Alt and Temp relations to power still hold true, with a small error. The only TRUE measure of power is Torque and RPM by definition.
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How Accurate are the Lyc. Manuals?

It isn't accurate at all, as can easily be seen by checking against the Lycoming chart.

I'm wondering how the engine manufacturer's numbers compare when actually installed in an airframe. If we assume that the speed, drag, airbox, etc. of an RV is so much more efficient than say a 172, how do the factory figures correspond with my installation.
Its going to be lower % power

RV8iator said:
I'm wondering how the engine manufacturer's numbers compare when actually installed in an airframe. If we assume that the speed, drag, airbox, etc. of an RV is so much more efficient than say a 172, how do the factory figures correspond with my installation.
A 160HP C-172 is really as low as a 136 HP C-172. That should tell you something.

"Power Flow Exhaust" claims they make up to 23.75 more "dyno" HP on a 160HP Cessna. I believe them. That does not mean you're going to make 184 HP (about 15%). What it does mean is your are getting back from 136 HP, closer to the rated 160HP spec.

Cessna is really a 136 hp Cessna in the airframe. Just unbolting the stock exhaust and using their pipes you GET back near the so called "rated" HP (they claim). (The filter and airbox still are terrible.)

With a MAP gauge you would read the lower MAP with the stock exhaust and the higher MAP with the new exhaust. A MAP gauge kind of cuts through the variables of the airframe and installation, that is why it's important to have one, which you do. The best thing is to fly and record data, RPM/MAP/temp and altitude and make your own Power % tables.

The only way to answer you question is read what Lycs generic Dyno data says and what the AFM manual says for that engine in a particular installation. Frankly I think AFM data for little planes lie a lot or are optimistic. So when Mr. C-172 says you are making X hp at so many RPM's, I have my doubts.
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Good Info

Thanks George. Good info. I will have to keep working on my little laminated card too.
RV8iator said:
Thanks George. Good info. I will have to keep working on my little laminated card too.
I have a card on my site that I find very useful. It is biased toward my setup of a slightly underpitched fixed pitch prop. It is for an O-360. The values were derived from the spreadsheet on Kevin Horton's site that he developed from the Lycoming chart. http://n5lp.net/Power.htm
There is a long thread on this topic here: link

One very important factor: RPM and MAP are only primary determinents of engine horsepower when you have excess fuel (rich) mixture. Once you have excess air (lean) mixture, it's only fuel flow that determines power (assuming no lean misfire).

A simple thought experiment will confirm this. When Rich, it's only the amount of air that you can pump through the engine to burn the plentiful fuel available that limits the horsepower (MAP, RPM). When lean, it's only the amount of fuel that you are pumping through the engine to burn with the plentiful air that determines horsepower (fuel flow).

To my knowledge, the engine monitor manufacturers make a bunch of assumptions for %HP that may not be valid depending on how you operate your engine.

Here's an excerpt from the thread:

OK folks, here is a power formula I derived for a Lycoming B or D series O-320 engine.

I did some curve fitting and verification. Accuracy seems to be within 1HP over altitude, MAP, RPM and air temperature. This is based on Lycoming's data only, not in-flight analysis.

I provide this with the standard caveats... try it yourself, but don't trust me to get it right! In other words, if you find errors or improvements, let us know.

This is for RICH mixtures only (excess fuel). Walter has provided us the formula for lean mixtures based on fuel flow.

From this, you can build your own spreadsheet or program it into a programmable calculator for in-flight use. It compensates for both pressure altitude and outside air temperature at altitude.

I've got some spreadsheets, but I'll be out of town for a few days and don't have time to clean them up.

Have fun.

Vern Little

Lycoming O-320 B and D series Horsepower Formula (Rich Mixture)

h=(H-((R-r)*(5.58-0.125*(M-m))/100 + 7.35*(M-m)) + 2.0*pa/1000)*sqrt((519-3.58*pa/1000)/(460+ta))

h% = h/H*100



H= maximum sea level horsepower at maximum manifold pressure (from manufacturer?s data)
R= maximum sea level RPM at maximum manifold pressure (from manufacturer?s data)
M= maximum sea level manifold pressure at rated RPM (from manufacturer?s data)

For Lycoming O-320 -B and -D series:

H= 160
R= 2600 (Sensenich prop limit)
M= 28.6

Variables (inputs)

r= actual RPM
m= actual manifold pressure
pa= actual pressure altitude (altimeter set to 29.92 inHg)
ta = actual air inlet temperature at pressure altitude


h = calculated horsepower
h%= calculated percent horsepower
Oh Boy some one had to bring up LOP

vlittle said:
One very important factor: RPM and MAP are only primary determinents of engine horsepower when you have excess fuel (rich) mixture. Once you have excess air (lean) mixture, it's only fuel flow that determines power (assuming no lean misfire).
Ummmmm no? :D

Are we not always rich?

Even at 75% power you leaning per Lycs recommendation, 100-150 ROP, than you are rich, right?

If you want to get into LOP (lean of peak operations) that is fine. :rolleyes:

For generic purposes you can assume that mixture has not affect on POWER, but we know it does. Excessive richness or super lean (LOP) will both lower power. It is true when LOP, FF (fuel flow) is directly related to power. However if you don't have a FF gauge its a moot point.

Bottom line its all a guess. The only way to know power (HP) is:

hp = (torque * RPM) / 5250.

Walter will say the secret is in the ICP (internal combustion pressure). Again no one I know flys with a ICP gauge.

You are right about LOP, but I am going on the KISS principle, MAP/RPM, lean to first to peak (EGT) and than enrichen to 100-150 ROP when at 75% power (or less).
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