
Hello, I have an ongoing, unusual (to me) engine issue on my RV9A.

My setup: Lycoming IO-320, Silver Hawk fuel injection servo, dual Light Speed Plasma II electronic ignition. I recently had an ignition coil go bad, and replaced 4 of the older Light Speed ignition coils with the newer style coils. I also made 8 new spark plug cables. My issue predates the replacement of the ignition coils and spark plug cables.

My issue: The engine will only idle smoothly between 800 RPM and 1,000 RPM, within a very narrow range of mixture setting.. Physically, the vernier mixture control is quite a ways towards full lean in order to idle smoothly. Leaning the mixture slightly when idling smoothly in this range increases the RPM slightly, and increases EGT on all cylinders. Leaning more causes the engine to sputter and stop. Richening the mixture slightly when idling smoothly also causes the engine to sputter and stop. This is my real problem -- I need to advance both power and mixture roughly at the same time from idle to keep the engine running at higher RPM. My EMS shows around 29 PSI for fuel, running about 2GPH at idle.

Any suggestions on what might be going on would be appreciated, thanks.
This is not right. I would ground the airplane until a cause is found.

I dont mean to be dramatic, but this is one strike against a safe flight.

I would first look for induction leak, accurate timing, proper fuel pump operation, and then have fuel control valve sent in for repair/ overhaul. This is serious.
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What PilotjohnS said! I wouldn't get airborne again before investigating and fixing the issue. Not even close to normal.

RV-6, T-6G