
Well Known Member
Am getting a Lycoming IO-360 parallel valve engine. Have two good buddies. One says Conical and the other says Dynafocal. Was wondering the pros and cons of each? Thanks. Dave
This was probably a dumb question. I just found out that the engine purchased drives the type of engine mount. I just know I'm getting an IO-360 parallel valve for this project, but will wait when I purchase it to determine which engine mount.
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db8 said:
This was probably a dumb question. I just found out that the engine purchased drives the type of engine mount. I just know I'm getting an IO-360 parallel valve for this project, but will wait when I purchase it to determine which engine mount.
You want Dynafocal, trust me, too many reasons. If going with 180hp, 360 cu-in lyc it will no doubt be Dynafocal 1 as poster said above. I also recommend buying LORD engine mount vibration isolators. Berry Controls are cheaper, the ones Van sells are fine, but Lord is better. They cost more, but this is not a place to be cheap. I am not talking about aerobatic mounts either; I am referring to LORD mounts. Why are they better? The are of a differnt design and have better deflection control, especially during start and shut down, which can cause havoc under the cowl with broken brackets and wear and tear. I can tell you that when I switch to LORD my RV-4 was smoother. I can't say this one data point is conclusive that the LORD is smoother than Berry Cont'l, because the old ones I replaced where worn out. However for my new project, RV-7 with O-360 Dynafocal 1, I went with LORD. Shop around prices vary.

Don't have part numbers, but they have an extra silicone bladder incorporated onto the inner spacer. You can look up LORD's contact info on the web and call LORD tech/cust support for help. Your first choice is to wait, is a good one. G
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