
Well Known Member
Anybody have an opinion concerning aerobatic vs standard donuts for the engine mount?

VAN's says should use the aerobatic for competition style aerobatics..thoughts?

Thanks as always!

I do "Gentleman's Aerobatics" in my -8 almost every day (positive G, no extreme gyro forces, etc), and have been using the standard Van's mounts for over a thousand hours - no noticeable sag or issues. Unless I was going to do Snaps or Lomshevacs (sp?), I don't think I'd worry too much about it....

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Aerobatic Engine Mounts

I agree with Iron. I do aerobatics on most flights. I normally pull four "G"s doing Loops, Cuban 8, Split S, Immelmans. Like Iron I have over 1000 hours and the Doll's engine mounts show very little sag.

I remember calling Van to ask which mounts to use. They said that the normal mounts would be best, and transfer less vibration to the airframe. I went with them and I'm glad I did.
Danny & Paul,

How much has your engine sagged? (I hope to install my engine in January and need to know how much I should allow for the sag.)

Thanks I'll go with the standard. VANs website states they are "temp out of stock" anyone know what equiv version is at Spruce or elsewhere?

Dang those things are expensive!!!

I just got a email from Vans today saying that my firewall foward kit would be late becaust they are out motor mounts. They said that they should be in stock on Feb 22 or 23.