I started installing the control cable bracket (VA-149-360) on my RV-8's engine sump and ran into a little problem: The rear of the bracket is butting up against an engine mount cross member. I checked the dimensions of the sump against another O-360 and they're the same as mine (a rebuilt O-360-A2F.) Anyone one else run into this situation? Here's a picture:

Thanks -

Mark Schmitz
... The rear of the bracket is butting up against an engine mount cross member... Anyone one else run into this situation? Here's a picture:

Thanks -

Mark Schmitz

Yup. Me. And I'm sure plenty of others as well. Of course Van's will tell you they've never heard of this problem before. That's what they told me. But that was more than seven years ago. So, apparently they haven't gotten around to addressing the problem.

The solution is to trim the corner of the bracket mount where it interferes and leave enough clearance for movement during flight. It will work fine.

Here's a link to some photos of my trimmed bracket and installed to show clearance. Hope it helps. http://picasaweb.google.com/pratt.chris401/ControlBracketRV8#

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Chris -

That's exactly what Van's told me! I figured I'd managed to mess something up or had some strange engine variation. Thank you for the reply and the very helpful pictures. Now I'm ready to get back at it!

Several Problems Like This

On our RV-6A I was able to modify the engine control cable support brackets purchased separatey from the kit from from Van's. I also had to cut off a section of the Filter Air Box fiberglass bowl and add a flat glass section to clear the nose gear strut. The heat muff didn't fit so I bought one from a source recommended by Larry Vetterman in order to complete the heater system. The heat valve box hose ducts were tack welded at four points each. The first time the hoses were removed ducts popped off and I had to fix them with small pieces of angle and rivets. I found that as I came across non-airframe problems like these I just had to think them through, come up with a reliable fix and report it to Van's.

Bob Axsom
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