
Active Member
Ok guys, I had found an engine mount and gear legs for my project and the seller needed to keep, I have found a reasonable set of landing gear legs. Question, Is it possible to drill a new engine mount to match those legs? Also is there some way to look at the gear legs and tell if they have been drilled properly to begin with?
Im interested in your opinions also, this is sort of a budget build but I don't want to do anything stupid. There seems to be significant money to be saved in this area if you can run across the parts, but is it worth it?
Ok guys, I had found an engine mount and gear legs for my project and the seller needed to keep, I have found a reasonable set of landing gear legs. Question, Is it possible to drill a new engine mount to match those legs? Also is there some way to look at the gear legs and tell if they have been drilled properly to begin with?
Im interested in your opinions also, this is sort of a budget build but I don't want to do anything stupid. There seems to be significant money to be saved in this area if you can run across the parts, but is it worth it?

It must be a very old RV-6. My engine mount and gear legs were drilled to size when I purchased the finishing kit. Do not remember the year I purchased the finishing kit but it had to be at least one year before the airplane flew in September 1997.
Its an early 90s kit, I haven't purchased the finishing kit yet. I had found a mount and gear legs someone was getting rid of for an engine change, but now that i'm actively looking there doesn't seem to be any popping up. I have found a set of gear legs and my question is, are they usable if I buy an engine mount separately?
Its an early 90s kit, I haven't purchased the finishing kit yet. I had found a mount and gear legs someone was getting rid of for an engine change, but now that i'm actively looking there doesn't seem to be any popping up. I have found a set of gear legs and my question is, are they usable if I buy an engine mount separately?

The engine mount can be ordered undrilled, but trying to match an undrilled mount to drilled legs would be difficult. If you go this route, I would plan to switch to using taper bolts so you have some leeway to ream imperfect holes.

Or is your intent to get used legs from one project and a used mount from another project? If so, the later hardware will likely match up, but I would still plan to use the taper bolts or an oversize bolt so you can match-ream them.