Could be, Bob... it's a good idea and standard practise for a lot of A@P's to use the largest size that will fit the hole. Same deal with safety wire.

Diameter too small or length too short? For the latter, you will find that longer pins are extremely difficult to work with. As it is, I've found you have to insert the pin until it hits the recess the nut is in, then turn the bolt until you can continue pushing the pin home. At least one bolt on my engine is awkwardly placed so that I can't align it so that a pin will have no interference on both sides, so the called-for pins are the best I can do. It can also be a real pain to turn the pin ends over in some of the hard-to reach spots.
Van issued a Revision to DWG 46A...

...dated 12/05/08/.

The old call out was for MS24665-208, and the new call out is to replace with MS24665-283. This increases the diameter of the cotter pin by 1/64.

I believe the pdf for this change is on Van's web site, either in the SB section or the Service Letter section.
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...thanks SPARKY for catching my dyslexia post. I edited my original, and put in the correct MS24665-283 number.