
Well Known Member
What are people doing, if anything, to the interior of the engine mount tubing for corrosion protection? Linseed oil, corrosion X, LPS 3, Boeshield T9, ACF-50, ???

If you are doing anything, how do you re-apply after 2-3 years? Initially, there are plenty of holes in the mount for access to the interior. After mounting, however, it is a closed structure.

Those of you with aircraft flying for 15+ years, have you had any corrosion issues? Am I looking for a solution to a non-problem?
And on the same note, how many of you are spraying inside your wings? Or, also, is this a non issue.:confused:
No one to my knowledge has ever brought it up. I collect vintage Italian bikes (pre1983) and have seen some nasty rust on some left out in the weather.I brush the tubes with PB buster anti-corrosion and finish with something called JP wiggles frame saver,AFC-50 or corrosion X I'm sure will work just as well.A little goes a long way as too much will weep forever so go easy.