Well Known Member
I haven't riveted the forward top skin yet, and I was looking ahead to the engine mount. One step for putting the mount on is to ream the 6 bolt holes. Currently my bolts fit well in the holes without reaming.

I'm not sure I can shoot the rivets for the top skin with the engine mount on. Especially at the longeron inside, and in the somewhat narrow space on one rivet forward sides. Has anyone done that?

Do I need to ream if the bolt already fits? Or does reaming remove some high spots and have an advantage?

If I did ream it seems I should do it with the top skin done, making the top skin a prerequisite to the engine mount.... Also makes me think I should put the top skin on without the mount per the plans, but with bolts in the holes to keep best alignment.
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making the top skin a prerequisite to the engine mount

The top skin gets riveted on 35-22 of the fuse kit, the engine mount is in the finishing kit. I would follow the plans to avoid backing yourself into a corner with the riveting.

I don't see a need to ream if you have good fitting bolts, others may have opinions.
I am at the point of putting on the engine mount and still have not put on the top forward skin. I would like to leave it off for accessing the area for putting on the torquing the engine mount bolts, putting in avionics, and all the things that go through the firewall. I also figure that it would be easier to insulate the firewall without the top skin in place.

On E's website, it appears that he has the engine in place without the top forward skin in place. So I assume that it is OK to leave off for quite a while, which would be nice.
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My top forward skin is not riveted yet. Engine and gear on. Avionics in. FF in progress. I did the cowling with every cleco in in the hinge. One day toward the end after I?m happy with all the wiring I?ll suffer through pulling the canopy hinges out and closing that skin. Will be a bear.
My top forward skin is not riveted yet. Engine and gear on. Avionics in. FF in progress. I did the cowling with every cleco in in the hinge. One day toward the end after I?m happy with all the wiring I?ll suffer through pulling the canopy hinges out and closing that skin. Will be a bear.

It's not all that bad. The challenges are really just access around the C-01440 Canopy Hinge Brackets and the need to use sealant. I outlined my experience here.

Find a friend who can hold a bucking bar and put him/her under there.