
Well Known Member
Since access to the nuts on the Lycoming engine mounting bolts is all but impossible the builder's manual for my RV6 seems to imply that the they simply be tightened to the rubber bushing stop by feel. Gus at Van's says to tighten the bolt head and add the bolt running torque to the required 450 in.lb. Does anyone know what the standard practice is for this tight spot. Will a crow foot extension on the torque wrench work for example?
Jim Sharkey
Standard practice is to tighten the bolt until you feel the nut bottom out on the inner spacer. Then install the cotter pin. It easy to tell when it bottoms out.
Lycoming Engine bolt tightening

Mel said:
Standard practice is to tighten the bolt until you feel the nut bottom out on the inner spacer. Then install the cotter pin. It easy to tell when it bottoms out.
I did what Mel describes above 2501.1 hours ago and just did the same thing a week ago :D Rosie
I guess that's what the manual says.
It just conflicts with the advice from the factory. :confused:
Any other comments?
Jim Sharkey
I think the factory opinion (Gus) is correct. You should tighten the bolt to it's specific torque. I can't remember ever seeing in print in any aircraft maintenance publication any other advice. What is so hard about putting a torque wrench on the bolt head and holding the nut? It might not get you the "exact" torque but if you tighten to the top end of the torque range for the bolt, then it will be pretty darn close.