
Well Known Member
Is it just me, or is the engine mount not quite symmetrical when looking at it end-on? It seems to be slightly asymmetrical on the drawings (plans) as well... strange.
It's a little...

Is it just me, or is the engine mount not quite symmetrical when looking at it end-on? It seems to be slightly asymmetrical on the drawings (plans) as well... strange.

... bit of built-in offset to keep the torque from your mighty Lycoming under control...:)
Should be about 3* right and 1* down if I remember correctly. The rear of the engine will be off to the port side so the center of the prop will be centerline of the airplane.
Yep, its the wierdest thing to look at once you notice it. Also means you can't use the centerline of the engine as the centerline of the plane when doing cowl and baffle work.
Proud day

I remember the day I hung the engine on my 6A. My buddies had left and I was sucking down a beer with a smile on my face and then I noticed the engine was crooked:eek: Keyrap, how did I muff this up? My beer soaked brain finally kicked in and I figured it out.