Top Cat

Well Known Member
Just recently I've had an audio caution "Engine Monitor"?.always just about touch down, throttle idle, stall warning starting to bleat.

I haven't heard this before and all other indications appear to be normal. I did recently upgrade to version 11.0 which I know had some upgrades to the EMS.

Just not sure why I would get this or what exactly it's alerting me to?

Anyone experienced this?
Download the logs. There is an Alert Log that might show more detail. Could be low RPM, which you could also look at the readings compared to the alert setting. I operate on a short strip and will get low rpm at the start of the landing rollout. I then add a pinch of throttle after braking.
Top Cat:
I have exactly the same thing happen almost each time I land. I don't have the time to look at the engine monitor then on short final so I ignore it. I assume it's a low rpm or low voltage indication....probably low voltage because that is very dependent on rpm in my bird.

Thanks guys.

I get this alert after installing Skyview 11.0 so maybe it's to do with that. I have noted the rpm get into the caution range just a bit at about touchdown with stall warning bleating.

Today was a bit odd too as shortly after liftoff I noticed the fuel pressure dropped into caution range just for about a minute then gradually went back to normal. No other anomalies.
I have Van's 11.1 loaded and have noticed that the "Engine Monitor" seems to come on with red stall warning light/horn and the word "PUSH" also shows up above the red light on the EMS screen as well.

Seems to happen while doing stalls at alt as well as if the stall warning is activated during t/o and/or landing.
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I've gotten this just as I'm about to touch down when sped is low enough to start activating the stall warning?flaring at 50kts so this is probably to get you to look at the EMS where the stall warning is?