
Well Known Member
Hello all,
I'm planning the build of a HRIII. I have the plans but looking for some engine info. What engine model/features are needed. I've read that "large mount ears/lugs are required ? Is this a wide deck/narrow deck issue ? Looks like front injector...what about governor position, mag type etc.
Looking to price an engine and I want to know what to ask for
Thanks much

The model number you want is an IO-540-C4B5. These came on Aztecs. They have the large mounts. However, the mounts bolt on so you can change/exchange them if you find a engine with the smaller ones. THe RV-10 uses the smaller ones, so it's easy to swap somebody. The governors all mount on the front of the case so this is not an issue. Injection is preferred and when you buy and Airflow Perfermance Kit for a Rocket they sell you the elbow to make it forward facing.

Hope this helps

I have a set of the large hole mounts that came with my IO-540 V4A5 that I am going to swap out for the small ones for my -10. If anyone is interested in buying these, PM me. I will be posting these in the classified section when the new ones arrive and I get the originals removed.
The C4B5 is one of many configurations that will work for a Rocket but since you are considering a HRIII there may be some other options. With this airplane you are basically flying a rocket solo from the back seat and this may open up the opportunity to use the heavier angle valve engine. More weight, but more power as well. You should contact John Harmon before you make a final engine choice for this rare bird.
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Engine & CG

The C4B5 is one of many configurations that will work for a Rocket but since you are considering a HRIII there may be some other options. With this airplane you are basically flying a rocket solo from the back seat and this may open up the opportunity to use the heavier angle valve engine. More weight, but more power as well. You should contact John Harmon before you make a final engine choice for this rare bird.

I agree. Give John a call.
I remember John saying he could put 190 pounds in the baggage compartment of his HRIII and still not be out of the aft CG range.

Jim Ayers
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Angle Valve Eh?


I recently flew my neighbors very light Bearhawk with a Barrett inspired IO-540 Angle Valve that dynoed close to 330HP. With an MT aerobatic 3 blade and just my 170 lbs on board, one notch of flaps, Superman would have been proud. A four place Bush Plane cruising at 150 Knots and climbing nearly 3000 fpm? I can only imagine this kind of power on a Rocket.

On another completely different note, I just saw an ad for a company selling derivatives of the PT-6 Turboprop (650 HP) with installed dry weight of 337 lbs. Can you say 3-2-1 Liftoff?

1000 hours HR2 classic
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