
Well Known Member
Trying to plan ahead on the next step of my build. I plan to order through Vans. Just wondering what type of lead times others have had doing the same. Thanks in advance.
This isn't quite answering the question you asked, but when I was talking with James Ball at Titan a few months ago, he quoted me 30-60 days lead time. For my two cents, it might be worth taking a look at Titan; their prices are pretty competitive. I was quoted just under $29k for an IOX-370 (~195hp) with no ignition (I'm going to go with SDS CPI2).
This isn't quite answering the question you asked, but when I was talking with James Ball at Titan a few months ago, he quoted me 30-60 days lead time. For my two cents, it might be worth taking a look at Titan; their prices are pretty competitive. I was quoted just under $29k for an IOX-370 (~195hp) with no ignition (I'm going to go with SDS CPI2).

28 Hours into phase 1 with my Titan and so far I am happy and couple others on airport have been impressed with it and said if they were to do it again they would go that route.

Not to say Lycoming is bad either, I think both companies will provide a great motor.
New data point

I ordered my IO-390 through Vans around the Osh time frame. Few weeks later I received an expected ship date of 12/20. Mid Dec. had an e-mail from Vans to send final amount due. I questioned if the ship date was real based on hearing of push-outs. Was told if Lycoming was asking for payment then it was realistic..
Sent payment and received notification from Vans that payment was complete and authorized to ship. Call from shipping service this morning that engine was in route and due for delivery Monday😃. Merry Christmas to me!
I would still plan for 6 month lead-time. Maybe I hit the pre Osh flood of orders.
Real hard hit to bank account

Mine was hit real hard.. i was expecting the engine to be delayed into 1st qtr next year and ordered my panel a few months back. Got notification that both were ready within 3 days and time to pay up!😱.

It's going to be a real busy new year..
Mine was hit real hard.. i was expecting the engine to be delayed into 1st qtr next year and ordered my panel a few months back. Got notification that both were ready within 3 days and time to pay up!😱.

It's going to be a real busy new year..

That there is the epitome of a ? love hate relationship ?. But a mans got to do what a mans got to do!