
Well Known Member
Hello Folks,

we're in need of four ne engine vibration isolation mounts for our O-235-H2C powered RV-3B. Unfortunately we don't have the old ones, and VANS can't offer us the mounts for the O-235, they only told us that they are smaller than the O-320 and O-360 mounts.

Which mounts do we need to buy? We measured the flange on the engine mounts side: Inner Diameter (The "bore") is 2" ; the inner diamter of the outer cast is 3 1/4" ; the whole flange is about 5/8" thick.

Hope someone can help us. Thank you!

Thank you for the replies.

Yes, those are Dynafocal 1 Mounts, but Vans stated that the O-235 uses smaller isolation mounts than the O-320 engines. That's what bothers me, I don't know any difference between the isolation mounts.

Taking into account that the isolation mounts shall be smaller, the flange for them on the welded engine mount is bigger than for example a IO-360 powered Pitts...
For the record: Vans did a great job and told us the difference of the Dynafocal cups. The size that varies is only the diameter and has not necessarily to do with the engine itself.

Vans engine mounts ALWAYS use the bigger size, my Ultimate for example uses the small one thus having a bigge engine.

The standard mounts from Vans will fit.