
Unrepentant fanboy
Excellent weekend, I started wiring the panel yesterday and got the engine hung today, it's getting closer!!

I used the written instructions found on this website for hanging the engine, had one helper (and one photographer) and we got the bolts in all 4 holes in about 45 minutes. A couple hours after that I had all four torqued and cotter-pinned, and the beer started to flow. N16GN is getting a 105 TTSN Lycoming IO360M1B with one mag and one LS1 ignition, Bendix injection, Superior Air forward facing cold air induction, Jihostroj prop governor for a Whirlwind 200RV prop, and SD8 backup alternator.


Life is good!! :D

Oh - for the record - the Casper Labs 90-degree oil filter adapter has about 1/16" clearance between the filter and the engine mount if you use the CH48108-1 oil filters, with no spacers on the adapter on the 360 block.
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Congrats on milestone

I like the beer part better. Anybody can hang an engine in 45 minutes :D
I like the beer part better. Anybody can hang an engine in 45 minutes :D

Well, I don't know about that ... The empennage is just about done, but I gotta build the wings and the fuse .. then I can hang the engine. 2-3 years hence?

45 minutes? Congrats! Also, I like the discussion about the beer!

A great milestone!
Good deal Greg. But.. I beat you by one day. I got mine hung on Friday! What a good feeling! Now the fun begins.
Looks like progress! How come no wheels?

Getting the engine on opens up a whole new chapter in the build.
Congrats, Greg! You, too, Rockwood! It's a great feeling, isn't it? Good luck with all the great stuff that follows!
Looking good Rock! Keep it up, you'll probably beat me into the air, I have limited free hours to work on my bird, I'm most likely 10-12 months out right now.

Bruce - I left the wheels off for now just so I can easily work on the panel and engine wiring without adding several inches of height on the airplane. I've got overhead hoist lift capacity over the airplane so getting it up again to mount the wheels will be about a 10 minute job, and this keeps it low enough for easy access to everything without using a stepstool.
Congrats, guys!!

The Day of the Hangin' is one of the BIG milestones. As many will tell you, now you're halfway done. I laughed when they told me that, but it's frighteningly close to the truth. :)
Excellent Greg & Rock! I'm about to start sealing my tanks (argh). Pics like these just throws gas on the embers of jealousy. :) Oh and Rock, I love the hanging bag of salt as ballast!
Rock's definitely ahead of me - look at his pictures, he already has the alternator belt installed! :D
Hey, I hung mine Friday also. Pretty soon there will be so many RV's flying you won't be able to count them!! Good job.
Nice to see you got your engine on and on the wheels. I may have jumped the gun because I don't have my panel done yet and it is a PAIN working on the interior. I put the wheels on little HF dollys so I can move the plane around easier and that makes it 4" higher. I may take the gear off and put it back on the fuselage cart I have. I hate using a ladder to get in!
Nice to see you got your engine on and on the wheels. I may have jumped the gun because I don't have my panel done yet and it is a PAIN working on the interior. I put the wheels on little HF dollys so I can move the plane around easier and that makes it 4" higher. I may take the gear off and put it back on the fuselage cart I have. I hate using a ladder to get in!

Precisely why mine is still sitting on the gear legs without the wheels - I can still work on it without using a stepstool, but just barely. Any higher (gear and/or dollys) and everything I do would need a stepstool.
Accessing Interior when on the wheels ...

Any higher (gear and/or dollys) and everything I do would need a stepstool.

I tore apart my engine shipping crate and refabbed the 2x4s into two solid, heavy, step stools that are more like small benches w/ no backs. They allowed me to work comfortably on either side of the airplane w/o having to make like a ballerina-on-a-step-stool or strain to access the interior. Each "bench" was ~18 -20" high, about 2 ft deep and 3 ft+ long. Now they're at my hangar and VERY handy for a myriad of uses .... especially as makeshift workbenches.