
Well Known Member
Hey all,

I am going to install my engine on the airframe on Monday. I know of at least one oil fitting that must be installed prior. I am planning on holding off on installing accessories (starter, alternator, ignition) until after.

Any other hints are tricks I could use.
I installed the prop governor before and wish I'd done the baffling first, at least at the rear of the case. I found stuff at the rear, especially behind the engine mount, difficult to reach.
Dont forget the firewall

Be sure you have all the firewall stuff done-------like heater control boxes, battery box, contactors and such.

I changed to factory alum heater boxes to stainless steel, with the engine in place---------never want to do anything like that again.

HINT-----if someone asks you to help them change the heater boxes on a 10, with the engine already hung----tell them you cant, you have a colonoscopy scheduled for that time-------then go get one. You will have a better time at the doctors office:eek:
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