
I am building a 9A in Australia and soon to really get down to the front end installations.
I wished to have an Aerosport IO320, (hartzell) constant speed, James cowl. I have some unknowns regarding what to order and the contents of kits (finish and fwf), upward or forward facing induction, hub extension and any RPM limitations if I use hartzell - etc. There seems to be a bewildering maze to get everything that fits and works. What do I need to order - how should I go about it? I would appreciate any advice on what is needed if I go the about route. Or is the above route the best ??

Many thanks

Howdy Neil, Apart from being an OZ builder of a 9A we have nothing in common:D
Firstly, check with Sam James as to whether you need the long or short prop spacer, which will determine what prop number you order. I have both (please don't ask how I got them ). With the finishing kit, you ask Vans to delete the cowls. I bought an o-320 engine and FWF kit from a six builder who was upgrading to a 180 HP, so I did not order the FWF kit so can't help you there. Whatever happens, you can guarantee that you will be making many more purchases from VANs and everyone else.
Finally, are you aware of the Australian RV support group?? There are many who have been there done that which is very usefull when we are so far from the states and logistics can be a nightmare. Chris Mcgough, a regular contributor to the group who has built a 6 and now into a 10 installed the Sam James cowl I believe.