Little Wing

Active Member
For those with an RV8 aft mounted battery and airframe ground, where did you ground your engine at the firewall?
OP-11 shows ground location for a firewall mounted battery.

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It's been 24 hours and you deserve an answer.....

You should have no problem by grounding the motor to the airframe in the same location as if you were to mount the battery on the firewall. It doesn't really matter where the battery is located. This is the path for all of your alternator power.

This ground is so important that you should have a second one from the engine to the airframe in another location.
It's been 24 hours and you deserve an answer.....

You should have no problem by grounding the motor to the airframe in the same location as if you were to mount the battery on the firewall. It doesn't really matter where the battery is located. This is the path for all of your alternator power.

This ground is so important that you should have a second one from the engine to the airframe in another location.
Agree completely.

Two engine ground points which connect back to the battery are what's important.

I ran mine from the back of the engine as shown, and it's working well so far (<50 hours). Some have suggested grounding to the starter to avoid the added resistance of the starter current going through the engine casing. Might be a good idea. In any case, make sure that you have two in case one fails, the current will find a way and can cause a lot of smoke if the 2nd path is not sized right.

Thanks for the reply fellas. My main concern is cranking amps thought the firewall support angle but it sounds like it's not an issue.