
Well Known Member
Super excited. 10 months after due date, and a little more expensive than before, but still a gorgeous purchase. Can finally move forward on build.


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Yes, I'd say leave it in the bag. If you're paranoid and it's gonna be in storage for a while, get one of those room dehumidifers for $150.00. Mine's been that way for 3 years with all the delays..
Super excited. 10 months after due date, and a little more expensive than before, but still a gorgeous purchase. Can finally move forward on build.
CalView attachment 70721
You're in Missoula! It will be fine! Pretty dry place compared to, say, Washington State. Looks like you are about ready to hang it anyway! Yeah: It's Christmas and all your presents are under the tree, but you CAN'T OPEN THEM UNTIL MARCH.......or maybe even April......right......................

I would have done exactly what you did. In fact, I DID do exactly what you did! I couldn't WAIT to get my eyes 👀and hands 👐 on that puppy! Out of the BAG, please!!

Did I mention you'll be fine.........? Go hang that sucker!! Get your fuselage off of that brace thingawhachacallit............. :giggle: :giggle:

Oh: and CONGRATULATIONS!! Another major STEP towards you getting in the AIR..........!!!
Congratulations, Christmas came early!

So 10 months after due date... how long did it take from when you originally placed the order until it arrived?

I hope you have all of the FWF kit, some of that has been on backorder at Vans.