
Well Known Member
What power plant is everyone using? HP rating is 160, but I hear alot of builders are opting for engines pushing 200HP. Any thoughts?

I've hear that Vans is going to increase the HP rating and Vne of the -9A. The reasoning is Van's wanted to get some of the "new wings" flying on a -7A fuslage with 160HP max as "trainers" so see how they did in the real world. Has anyone else heard these rumor? Thoughts? Opinions?

Please understand. I am not trying to start a rumor, just trying to make sense of what I heard.
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"Word on the street" is that a special Van's Skunkworks project that takes the '9 and increases the horsepower rating and VNE has already been developed.
Keep this secret though because very few people know about it. It's a special variant that is rumoured to be designated an "RV7" or "RV7-A". ;)

Let the rumours fly...

Seriously, the '9 has a different mission than the '7 so if a '9 isn't powerful or fast enough for you, then the airplane that is both faster and more powerful is the RV7(A).
RV-9 features that work well...

The airplane that the Van's pilots want to fly to the air shows is the RV-9. It will out climb the 200 HP -6's and -7's using the 160 HP engine. The reason of course is the better span loading. The airfoil is different and more efficient for cruising, especially at altitudes from 8,000 to 12,000 MSL. With a 28-foot wing span vs. the 23 feet of the others, it just flies better. No, you won't be doing aerobatics in the 9, but you will get there quickly on less gas.

Jerry K. Thorne
RV 90622
East Ridge, TN
Since the -7 & -9 share the same motor mounts and fusalage I think the rating of 160 hp on the -9 is very conservative.
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