
Well Known Member
Hello all. I am an A&P in the process of doing a complete overhaul on a parallel valve IO360-B1E. I have removed the aft sump to use forward facing sump from an angle valve engine. I'd like to keep it a certified engine for resale value etc. I'm pretty sure there is a way for me to now call this engine a -M1B, (or something similar) and change the data plate accordingly. Any input here?

Is the engine going on an E-AB or are you just rebuilding it for resale?

If it is going on an E-AB, then it is an experimental engine, even if just purchased from Lycoming.

As to changing the data plate to match the new confirmation of the engine, I don't know if that is even possible.

Hopefully Mahlan will come along and answer that one.

You should be able to find SI1304J on lycomings website and it will tell you how to convert it over. Finding an actual plate would be really tough.

You should be able to find SI1304J on lycomings website and it will tell you how to convert it over. Finding an actual plate would be really tough.


To be more specific - Nameplate Replacement.pdf

This may be the applicable action though -

Field facilities may not change data contained on an engine data plate; however, they may add a suffix stamped at the end of the engine serial number to indicate alteration/conversion as follows:

? For all commercial engines in which the basic model has been altered or converted to another model designation, the letter ?C? added as a suffix on the engine serial number indicates a change from its original manufacture.

Rest of the modification details go in the engine paperwork/logbook.