
Active Member
Hi Everyone

I have a single quadrant for my throttle, mixture and pitch controls. What is the best way to run the cables? Is it through the cheek or just straight through the firewall? What did you do?

Really appreciate the help
Engine geometry may call for different solutions.

I have an AFP 150 on vertical sump. Many suggestions on VAF called for the cheek approach which seemed workable. BUT, now that all components are actually in place, the best approach for throttle and mixture ( for me) is the firewall between the left rudder assy and mount stiffener pad on the firewall. This gives a nice straight approach to injector levers and simple/robust cable mounting brackets.
The downside to this is the throttle cable must curve over the left rudder area, similar to the approach used on RV3?s. It works fine on my 3.
The AFP 90* elbow concept made cable connection less than ideal, so I went vertical, and your specific hardware is the final arbiter.
What I did..

I routed mine straight through the frame in front of the quadrant, then they make a big smooth curve slightly upward and over to the center of the tunnel and come out the firewall directly behind the carburetor. I don't have a constant speed, so I cant comment on that routing but I'm sure it could be similar. I don't see a benefit to going through the cheek, but others may comment. Mine are very smooth operating, and no binding. I can't post pictures on here, but be glad to attach some to a PM/Email.