Bob Martin

Well Known Member
I?m getting ready to install a new cowling on a RV-6, 1000TT airframe that I did not build. It is a mid 1990?s slow build kit. Over the years, the engine has sagged and the mount shimmed to keep cowling / spinner spacing correct. As well as new mount isolators. In the interest of doing this job correctly I?m looking for good information on where the engine/prop should be located before I start the new cowl installation. Thinking I should remove all the existing shims/washers to get the engine / mount back to the firewall and standard mounts with no additional washers. I would just like to check if that placement is correct before I do major work based it an assumption. I have searched the forums for this kind of Engine Alignment information and found information that came from Vans saying the engine mount cants the engine 1.25 degrees to the right, assuming for P factor and 0 degrees up and down.
Has anyone ever checked this or adjusted it, if it wasn?t correct? Or if it is really needed to have it ?exactly? on the numbers?
Seems to me with the fuselage leveled both ways, and a few tools like a smart level, it could be checked! Looking for thoughts and information.

Bob, I put new Lord Brand engine mounts on my IO 540 powered plane and 600 hours later my engine hasn't sagged yet. The disappointment is that I adjusted 1/4" up to acommodate for engine sag. Yes, my spinner still stands proud. Others have not had this experience. Steve

Thanks for your reply.
I know about the sag or no sag issue, seems some do and some don't.
I have run this engine setup for a couple hundred hours so I won't be anticipating anymore sagging. Hopefully!
Was just wondering if anybody checks for proper engine angle/cant before installing a new cowling.