
Should be picking up a RV6 in the next week or so that is getting new clyinders. Have been trying to educate myself on breaking in new clyinders. Read a bunch of different opinions on the matter. Question is how soon can you do touch and gos etc. I have TW endorsement, but need 10 instruction in the plane for insurance, but at the same time want to make sure I break in cylinders correctly. Hindsight being 20/20 I would have flown somewhere to do a 6 checkout ahead of time but I didn't. Thanks.
Opinions vary, but I wouldn't do them until at least 10 hours. The later the better. Big key is NO low MAP steep decent work else you risk ring flutter untill the rings seat properly.

Break in

Thanks for the reply. 10 hours seems like a pretty common answer. Lots of different answers some said up to 30 hours with no touch and gos etc.