
Well Known Member
Does anybody knows where I can get engine baffle ignition wire seals for 2 wires at a reasonable price?

Aircraft Spruce used to sell one for approx $6, but now they only sells the Slick Wire seal for 2 wire and these are ~$39 each set.

Thank you,

I Made These

I couldn't stomach what I saw them selling for and designed one in OpenSCAD and 3D printed them with ABS. Here's the code for 8mm wire, find someone with a 3D printer that is adventuresome or is already familiar with OpenSCAD (it's open source free software).

Edit: Just realized it might not be obvious that each piece is a half and when flipped and sandwiched with a 2nd makes the complete bulkhead connector.



wire    = 8;
shell   = 3;
height  = 4;
width   = wire+(2*shell);
bwidth  = width+2;
blength = (wire + 1.5*shell)*2+2;

difference() {
  union() {

	// base end cylinders
    translate([ 0,  blength/2, 0]) rotate(a=[ 0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=height,d1=bwidth,d2=bwidth);
    translate([ 0, -blength/2, 0]) rotate(a=[ 0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=height,d1=bwidth,d2=bwidth);

    // base connecting box
    translate([ -bwidth/2, -blength/2, 0]) cube([bwidth,blength,height],false);

  union() {
    // screw holes
    translate([ 0,  blength/2+3, -height*2]) rotate(a=[ 0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=height*4,d1=wire/2,d2=wire/2);
    translate([ 0, -blength/2-3, -height*2]) rotate(a=[ 0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=height*4,d1=wire/2,d2=wire/2);

    // wire holes
    translate([ 0,    wire/2+shell/2, -height*2]) rotate(a=[ 0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=height*4,d1=wire,d2=wire);
    translate([ 0, -(wire/2+shell/2), -height*2]) rotate(a=[ 0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=height*4,d1=wire,d2=wire);

    // wire exits    
    translate([ 0, -wire-shell/2, -height-.5]) cube([width/2+2,wire,height*3+1],false);
    translate([ 0,       shell/2, -height-.5]) cube([width/2+2,wire,height*3+1],false);

// center cut
	translate([ -bwidth,             -shell/2, height/2]) cube([blength,   shell,  height+1],false);
// end cuts
	translate([ -bwidth,         wire+shell/2, height/2]) cube([blength,  bwidth,  height+1],false);
	translate([ -bwidth, -bwidth-wire-shell/2, height/2]) cube([blength,  bwidth,  height+1],false);
// cleanup cut on thin side
	translate([ 0, -bwidth, height/2]) cube([ bwidth, blength, height],false);



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George, thanks for the link to the drawing. I was considering to print the parts, but I could not locate a printer with a high temp plastic locally. I only have access to PLA or PETG printers and these plastics begins to distort at temperatures normally seen inside the cowling….

Mickey, the RVPLASTICS seems to be a good alternative, but I'm not confident that their part will survive at the cowling temps for a long time.... Additionally, their price is too high for this baffle seal and I'd prefer a Slick part instead.

Paul, I’m really considering the 3-wire seal with a self-made nylon plug on the 3rd hole….


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I went to walmart and bought a 1/4" thick cutting board. Cut of two pieces and shaped to the size I wanted. Drill 2 holes for the wires and then cut down the center with a band saw. Then drill 4 holes for #6 screws. Takes about 20 minutes. Not a pretty, but way less time than coding something in CAD. Hasn't melted in 850 hours.
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I used the 3 wire, like Paul suggested above. Filled the center hole with a -3 bolt & nut. Pretty simple.


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