It is my understanding that factory new engines from Vans come pickled in a crate. My question is how long can the engine remain this way and still be viable. I've been looking at an engine that was bought from Vans in 06 and is apparently still in the crate. Good or bad? Also there seems to be Lasar ignition installed which I was pretty sure wasn't an option from Van's, does this mean that the buyer un-crated, installed the Lasar and than re-crated? If so I'm pretty sure that the pickling ability goes down. What do you think?
The conditions in which it was stored mean as much as anything. I believe according to the Lycoming service bulletin for engine preservation they want the engine fogged and to have oil rotated through the engine every 6 months.

Last year I purchased an engine that had sat in its original crate from lycoming in a dehumidified basement since 1993. When we pulled a cylinder it looked brand new other than a coat of varnish from the oil drying out. The flywheel had some minor surface corrosion on it that buffed right off. Unsure how the seals and whatnot are but my bet is that there may be some superficial oil leaks but nothing serious.

Just one data point.

Are the desiccant plugs pink or blue? That's the only thing that would concern me. Take a look inside the cylinders to check for corrosion. Should be OK.
My engine had been stored for about 5yrs. I was concerned about what may have happened to it in that amount of time, so I took it to the engine shop and had them look at it. They said everything looked fine.
My engine from Lycoming, which was pickled, did not have dehydrator plugs. All 8 spark plugs were installed.

My engine was also firmly encapsulated in the cardboard shipping box (not a crate) and sealed in a big plastic bag. There were a couple bags dissicant, but not the resuable kind. If the bag is not sealed, or if the foam encapsulation is not present or broken up, or no bags of dessicant, then the engine has probably been exposed.
My first engine was overhauled in 1959 and pickled. When I pulled the jugs it looked brand new on the inside so I ran it for 250 hours until something got in the way.

Check out my website for poctures.