
Well Known Member
I am wondering if engine AD’s have to legally be complied with on an experimental? Example. Cylinder and conn rod AD on a lycoming.

I am not saying I would not comply, just wondering the legality of it.


There are AD's that are important and those that are not. The Lycoming 505 crankshaft issue is widely ignored in EAB.
If you remove the engine placard and call it a Smith Experimental Engine you have removed any obligation to perform AD's.
If your engine is a certified engine, then yes, they do apply. If you have modified the data plate to reflect the experimental status of the engine,then not unless the AD specifically addresses the experimentals. HOWEVER... if there is an AD on the certified version of your experimental engine that states "Prior to further flight, re-flamagate the hypodusinator" and you do not, and there is an accident / incident, which side of the courtroom do you want to be sitting on? AD's are issued for a reason - safety! I would rather spend a few bucks and not have the seat cushion up my sphincter over the mountains!