
Well Known Member
Would like to see an installed engima or voyager. Any builders or flyers in the Denver? Let me know if I could take a look at your installation. Thanks Randy

RV 7A - N845RV
Wings almost done
Fuselage being shipped.
Would like to see an installed engima or voyager. Any builders or flyers in the Denver? Let me know if I could take a look at your installation. Thanks Randy

RV 7A - N845RV
Wings almost done
Fuselage being shipped.

No Voyagers have been shipped yet - the first batch of 100 units should ship just after Oshkosh - they are all in production now and there will be one or two on the stand of course so come have a look.
I'll be there too so please make a turn and have a chat - my first visit to Osh and to the U.S. and I'm getting very excited about this.

We will also be showing off the Enigma MKII....

CEO MGL Avionics
Perhaps there is an Odyssey or two somewhere around in Colorado? The Odyssey and the Voyager are identical in operation and only differ in screen size.

If not, then I am planning a panel upgrade, starting with one Voyager and then possibly a second one later. Believe I am slated for one of the first 100. It'll take some time after shipping starts, so maybe later in the year for a real one in operation. In the meantime, the simulator availble on the MGL Avionics web site demonstrates the functionality.

The panel upgrade I'm planning will be a symmetrical (center 'stack'), modular panel approach & I do have scale drawings of that with the Voyager if that would be of interest.