
Well Known Member
Looks like the trolls on the RV7 Yahoogroups site are running off the last remaining constructive members. Funny,it's always the same 3 people. Here's hoping we can keep them out of here. Meanwhile, welcome all refugees! :eek:
You got that right, Bob. Last I heard I have loose pants, am a Van's cheer leader, and ought to join the foreign legion. :D
yahoo site

Funny I noticed those same three trolls myself and it always seems to be the same ones that do all the flaming of good folks like Roberta. I know she can take care of herself but it doesn't say much if you gotta pick on a girl.

Seriously, I'm glad Doug spanked them today and if they can't act like adults and show people like Roberta and Van and Doug respect then let them create their own playground where only the bullies get to play.

Somehow I doubt they will. There are always those who would rather criticize others who actually stand for and do something positive.

Roberta keep the faith and thanks for always helping.

Doug get a good firm willow branch ready if history holds you will need it for those three again. $100 bills..........
I really appreciate the messages being posted without waiting to be approved. I sure hope this forum can stay that way. I was feeling a little embarrased by what was going on even though I didn't participate. There is one thing that would be really great to have. A quick spelling checker would keep everyone from knowing how red neck and illiterate I am. :eek: When I first joined the RV groups I took Doug's message to heart. "You will be taunted until you CRY!" Thanks Dan for the great Web site and Roberta for your common sense answers. :D

Jim Wright 90919 RV-9A Wings Arkansas
Well, the good thing about THIS format is it's threaded. With an e-mail based group, you don't have much of a choice but to read the stuff. With this format, you get some idea what the thread is about and if a troll does show up, you know who it is and you can see the name ahead of time and avoid the thread.

I had to laugh last night, though, when one of the posts expressing outrage over the way Dan Checkoway was treated (and by the way, if you criticize Dan Checkoway or Roberta Hegy, aren't you basically just holding up a huge sign that says "I are a loser?"), was one of the ones who ran me off the board -- AND, that guy sat at my camp at Oshkosh for the first annual TV7 builders BBQ and ate MY food!

Which reminds me, if you're going to OSH this year, save an evening for the 2nd annual (sor tof) BBQ.
I for one like the e-mail format and am will be sad to see it go. I never understood why we needed more than the matronics list either. It's so easy to just put the people you don't want to hear from on your automatic delete list.


That's the irony. The Matronics List -- for awhile -- suffered the same malady that the YahooGroups site now suffers. The YahooGroups site was originally a place where people could play nice and be helpful. And, for awhile, they did; the common bond of building seemed to keep things relatively useful.

But as the RV community becomes larger and larger, it begins to take on the same characteristics as any other online community. For some reason -- and the nose gear debate there is a perfect example -- people no longer want to HEAR opinions and observations contrary their own. Why CAN'T two people have different opinions on the same subject? Why does one side always feel they have to prove the other side not only wrong?

I'm at a loss to remember any time in history when someone changed their mind as a result of a flamewar. But maybe. :eek:
I just went over and took a look at the RV-7 List messages, based on the comments above. Nothing like the good old TD versus Trike debate.

I've been a member of other bulletin board-type lists before like this one. Unfortunately, the trolls will make their way over here too eventually. If allowed to go unchecked, trolls just bounce between various lists and eventaully chase everyone off. It will happen here too, unless they are dealt with severely and quickly.

I've left the Matronics' list after 8 years, and the Yahoo Groups list after only one. This is the only list I monitor anymore. I'd sure like this one to remain as civil, pleasant, and helpful as it has been so far. I really enjoy the discussion here.
Bob Collins said:

Which reminds me, if you're going to OSH this year, save an evening for the 2nd annual (sor tof) BBQ.

Not to change the subject of the thread, but I just made my OSH plans this weekend...my first trip to mecca. Do most of the RV group hang out in the RV tie down area? I'd love to meet everyone in person - and maybe crash the BBQ. Planning on ordering my -7 Emp while there.

Kai Schumann
I've been involved on several forums online since ~1999.. Discussions are great, and yes, a lot of times these turn into flame-wars and name calling..

Personally, I find the forums MUCH easier to read threads, contribute information, search, AND skim over and skip the flame threads (or whatever part of them you want to).. You're not automatically getting large amounts of email daily. IMO, the forums are leaps and bounds ahead of email lists..

My father and I are gathering up tools and about to order a -7 empennage.. I think we'll avoid the email lists.. Not only are they archaic, but the attitudes I've seen on there in the past few weeks that I've been lurking certainly aren't inviting...
You have my word Randy, I'll deal with 'em severely and quickly <g>. My plan is for these forums to be what the Yahoo Groups were in the beginning. Fortunately, here it's much easier to administer in a 'tone setting' way. Offenders can be removed by IP address.

I'll run a tight ship, I promise the group that.


PS: How 'bout that Global Flyer!!!

f1rocket said:
...<snip> If allowed to go unchecked, trolls just bounce between various lists and eventaully chase everyone off. It will happen here too, unless they are dealt with severely and quickly. <snip>.
Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate all the kind words and support. You have no idea what a warm fuzzy feeling I have right now.

Bob, I missed your first BBQ, but I will be at this year's for sure. Rich and I will be up for the whole week again, volunteering at the AC registration shack adjacent to Aeroshell Square and next to the Classic Cafe and Ice Cream. Hope to see everyone. Not sure where the plane will be. Either with the RV's or next to the registration shack.

Happy Building,
Glad to have you guys here

I just wanted to drop a quick note where I know Roberta and hopefully Dan C will see this. THANK YOU.... even though I am building a 8 it has been such a big help just reading posts from you guys on the 7 yahoo list. I am really glad Doug put this site together, where guys like me can still get the benefit from others experiences. I just quit the other yahoo 7 site, there are a select few who when they post I just feel like I've been pulled through the mud.
So thanks again Best wishes to you all
//but the attitudes I've seen on there in the past few weeks that I've been lurking certainly aren't inviting...

One of the things the current situation showed, frankly, is the great job moderators did on that site (OK,disclaimer: I was a moderator) to keep things focused. There was occasional whining that it took "too long" to get messages approved (it used to take a couple of hours perhaps), but folks never saw all the nonsense that was getting deleted before it hit the public and ruined the tone of a site intended to help builders.

As soon as Doug eliminated the moderator system and allowed posts to go straight through, well, they saw.

Too bad, because -- take my word for it -- it used to be a terrific resources in your inbox and folks really were anxious to help others out.
To help keep things civil over here, report "bad" posts. There is a red triangle in the upper right corner of every post. Clicking on that allows you to send a message about the post directly to Doug. He then has a range of corrective actions he can take.

I was sorry to see Bob run off the RV7 Yahoo Group months ago, and now Roberta. I'm glad they're both over here now. I may not always follow Roberta's advice, but I sure appreciate her direct approach to solving problems.

Bob Collins said:
One of the things the current situation showed, frankly, is the great job moderators did on that site (OK,disclaimer: I was a moderator) to keep things focused. There was occasional whining that it took "too long" to get messages approved (it used to take a couple of hours perhaps), but folks never saw all the nonsense that was getting deleted before it hit the public and ruined the tone of a site intended to help builders.

As soon as Doug eliminated the moderator system and allowed posts to go straight through, well, they saw.

I understand completely.. Whether it's a forum or an email list, it's difficult for the moderators to find a balance between over- and under-moderating.. Too much, and people feel too controlled, and don't feel that there is a good flow of information.. Too little, and well, just look at the past 2 weeks on the -7 list, right? :)

Anyways, from what I've seen so far, RV'ers are a great community, and I'm glad that I came across this forum.
That's cool with me, Dave. There are many good builders out there with many good ideas. My ways aren't the only ways. We just field our ideas for whoever can use them, and we also learn and choose ideas as well, that suit our needs. We're all just trying the get that plane done as best as possible so we can go out and fly it and have FUN!!!

