Maybe this tops the OLD category.

Chet is going for his PRE check ride today at 7am.

He's 71 and helped me build my 9A.

As soon as he gets his ticket, we're gonna start a project plane for him.

OLD??? What's that?

My Friend Ken

No my way to California a couple of weeks ago I stopped in the see my friend Ken. He has built several T-18s, a RV-6A and a Sonex. The engine quit on the first flight takeoff of his Sonex at about 400 ft AGL. There was no good place to land but he picked the best place he could see and flew it to a landing there. The landing gear, wing leading edges and other items were damaged. He said the biggest problem people have in that situation is they pull back on the stick trying to avoid the ground and they stall. When I visited some parts had just been received and he is in the rebuilding process. Ken was born in 1919.

Bob Axsom
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Age is Just a Number

Two weeks ago, I was contacted by a distant out of state buyer and asked to offer my pre-buy observations on a locally based RV. Days later, I had the pleasure of meeting the 70 year old RV-9A owner in his hangar located at nearby Creve Couer Airport, 1H0.

Owning three aircraft, the seller's prebuilt 2006 RV-9A is exceptionally well constructed and shares tidy hangar space with an older Cessna and a brand new Cirrus SR22 equipped with all the bells and whistles. Days earlier, he returned home after undergoing 3 days of transition training at the Cirrus factory. The proud owner soloed and started flying a mere 3 years ago at the tender age of 67.
Too old???

Heck, some guys don't even blink when they retire.

Below is a Mr. Bobby Moore, who at 72, started his slow build RV-7. I gave him transition training at his age 77, just before his first flight and he did beautiful one-wheel crosswind landings....some of the best technique I've seen, ever. He's been flying it for several years now and is probably 80.

BTW, he had Stearman time when he was 16!


It's all in the attitude!
