
Well Known Member
I'm wiring my RV-9A and I'm about to add the transponder. I have a King KT-76A Mode C, and I need to include an encoder.

I'm also installing a Skyview 7" display.

Can I use the encoder in the Skyview for the Mode C Transponder? Does the encoder need to be "certified"?

I have an old AmeriKing AK350 but that baby is HUGE!!!

There is no grey code encoder in SV and the KT 76 doesn't do serial. Easiest to use a grey code encoder or better yet spend more Dynon $ and get a Dynon transponder. :D

If you need a smaller encoder I have an ACK A-30 that I will sell for $30 plus shipping.
Get the Dynon serial/gray code converter, works fine and prevents any errors from having a seperate encoder which would have to calibrated to match the Skyview altimeter.

The encoder does not have to be "certified" or TSO'd.
Get the Dynon serial/gray code converter, works fine and prevents any errors from having a seperate encoder which would have to calibrated to match the Skyview altimeter.

The encoder does not have to be "certified" or TSO'd.

Just to clarify, the skyview has a built in converter that comes standard and I believe you will not have to purchase separate. Good luck!
Just to clarify, the skyview has a built in converter that comes standard and I believe you will not have to purchase separate. Good luck!

Are you sure?

This is off the Skyview Compatibility page on their web site -

SkyView connects TO the following devices via Serial Port (SkyView TX / Serial OUT) (generic) Gray Code Interface (with Dynon 100362-000 Encoder Converter Module, Serial-to-Gray Code) (no OEM P/N)

It still needs the converter module.

Page 94 here -
AZ and Walt have it right - as usual. I have a KT-76 and Skyview and used the serial/grey code converter from Skyview. Everything works great.
Get the Dynon serial/gray code converter, works fine and prevents any errors from having a seperate encoder which would have to calibrated to match the Skyview altimeter.

The encoder does not have to be "certified" or TSO'd.

If this is the same one Dynon sold for to D-10A, I have one I am not using. $30. If the skyview uses a different one, nevermind.....