
Well Known Member

I?ve replaced the stand-alone Ray Allen trim and flap indicators in favor of those available on the GRT display. I am using Analog 5, 6, and 7 for pitch, flap and roll, and have gone into the setup page to enable this function. So far, so good. However, they are not showing any movement (or the ?pointer? for that matter) when I run the trim. I am fairly certain that since these analog inputs are pretty generic in nature (only looking for a voltage input), then I have to "train" them to know where the travel limits are for the installed equipment. So how are these calibrated? I can?t seem to find any mention of this procedure in the manuals I have ? what?s the secret?

Thanks a million
IIRC, in General Setup, scroll down to find Trim/Flap calibration.. I did it about a year ago and already forgot the details.. I do know it was easy :)
Thanks, I did a shallow cruise around the setup menu's looking for such a feature, but nothing jumped right out. Might it be a few layers deep?
OK, found the exact location in the manual. It says: "Follow the on screen instructions".

Anyway, my 4.8v reference voltage seems to have lost its way from the EIS to the potentiometers, so I need to track that down first. Perhaps as soon as the display sees some kind of voltage the "on screen instructions" will enable?
Check your software level too??

When I turned on my H1s the first time, the manual was lightyears ahead of the software on my display. The display did not have many of the menu items. Software update fixed it. (mine went from version 10 to version 34. quite a jump). No fault of GRT. My H1s were early models.
Well, I found it (the cal page). However, I discovered that my max voltage (servo full travel) was only about .01 volts and went down from there. This was confirmed by my voltmeter as the result of the 1k ohm resistor in line with the 4.8v from the EIS. Since the analog inputs look for 0-20 volts, I bypassed the resistor and ran the raw 4.8 into the potentiometer in the servo. Now, full travel ranges from 0 to 4.75 volts, and the indicators work just fine.

Anybody know why the wiring diagram shows the 1k resistor? :confused: