
Well Known Member
What kind of connector did you put on the single wire from the Dynon EMS-220 to the bulkhead BNC connector you used for the fuel capacitance plates?

Should I just put a BNC connector on the end of the single wire, somehow?
Our use a Coax wire from EMS-220 to the bulkhead connector and splice the single wire to the center wire of the coax just short of the EMS unit?

Or should I use Dynon or Spruce Capacitance to Voltage converter things that have a BNC connector on them.

Funny, the capacitance plates wires were the first wires I did 9 years ago and now the will be the last wires to be finished.
You need a converter. Highly recommend the Princeton C2V converters (the two-set point version). I use them with my Skyview w/ EMS, and they work great, but initial calibration does take a while (you have to set the empty point and then the full point on the Princeton device, then empty the tank and do the Skyview calibration 2 gallons at a time).

Not sure who is selling them these days.

I had no luck with the Dynon C2V converter. It didn't use enough of the 0-5V range (in fact, used only a tiny portion of it), resulting in erroneous readings. Others have had better luck. The Princeton, once calibrated, uses the full range.
Capacitance to voltage converter

Where do three wires go. I bought the capacitance to voltage converters for the Van's fuel level capacitance plates and was expecting it to come with just one wire for pins 22 and 23 on Dynon's EMS. But the converter comes with 3 wires each. Please does somebody know where document on using this converter is? Or might you know what to do with the extra 2 wires?

You are trying to use this with a Dynon??

Have you checked with Dynon?

IIRC, the Princeton converter is (was?) made by one of the partners who run GRT-----you could try inquiring there.

See page 15-8 in Rev AC of the Dynon installation manual. I also posted a response on their forum.

Ray, Mike
Thanks and again the forums are amazing. You can get answers to questions quickly. Ray I replied to you on the Dynon Forum.
I've got a pair of these Dynon converters that I am not using - working fine when removed. I changed them out because I run 91E10 mogas and 100LL mixtures with very different capacitance values so keeping them calibrated was impossible - but they will work just fine if you stick to one fuel type.