
I am up to the electrical wiring on my 9A. Everything is in as far as I can go, but I don't have the height in my garage to put the tailfeathers on. While the fuselage is somewhat open, I want to finish off the aft wiring while the aft skin is off. All the wires (including to the magnetometers which are finished) are laying there and I need to figure out the runs to the tail position and strobe light, the electric trim, a cat whisker antenna on the vertical stabilizer. Anyone have some photos of where they put bushings on the far aft bulkhead or runs to the horizontal stabilizer/trim tab?
I ran my tail light wires directly out the bottom of the VS and routed them around the lower rudder hinge, then through a grommet into the front of the rudder bottom cap. This location has the least relative movement for the wiring.


For the ADAHRS (I have both Dynon and MGL) I built a shelf in the tail ran the wiring you see here to them. The electric elevator trim wiring can be seen here also at the top of this pic, running on top of the back shelf and then into the HS and elevator. The only real requirement to wire-runs in these locations are that they cannot move around and impinge on controls, and they need to minimize wire flexing with control movement.

Lots of wiring photos here on my website.

One single run of wires down the belly.

The wires for the tail light/strobe go out the lower corner of the aft bulkhead, just out of the way of the VS spar, and straight into the fiberglass lower rudder fairing.

The electronic trim wires follow the location on the plans for the manual trim cable.
Thank you all. I drilled the hole in the lower part of the bracket. I am still not sure how to bring the wires to the elevator trim and up to the cat whisker antenna on the vertical stab. It will probably make more sense when I have the ceiling height to put those back on. But I have a Teen Flight graduate who has been my helper coming over to close the aft skin this weekend.