
Hi all-

What's the span on the empennage? How big does my garage door have to be to get the thing out when I'm done?

I have one of those two-door garages with fairly skinny doors. The mirrors on my wife's mini van barely clear going in...

Hate to have a 9'6" tail behind a 8'6" door!
Not answering your question directly because I'm building a 9 (with a 10-ft HS) but the empennage is easily removed later on. A lot (perhaps most?) builders take it off once it's initially fitted because it just makes it harder working around the plane. Then just re-install it on final assembly at the airport. Good luck.
I am not home so I can't measure but I will say that most people remove the tail assembly prior to transporting the aircraft to the airport. You don't want to drive down the street and have a car or a pole smack the HS/elevator. Mine is hanging on the wall right now. Before it was hanging, the tail assembly fit in my home office trough a normal door. I will measure it when I get home if no one gets to it first.