
Quick question... I am working on the vertical stabilizer. The drawing indicates to leave certain rivet holes along the bottom of the skin and the lower rib open (as in unriveted) to allow for the empennage fairing that comes in the finishing kit. Do these holes also need to remain undimpled as well?
I don't think it is a big deal either way. I left mine open but did dimple. The plans call for a #6 nut plate installed there which I believe is a #28 drill. If dimple is still there after drilling I thought about using a countersunk nut plate to accommodate it. The instructions could be a little more specific here....
Wish you had posted this a week ago. I did not notice that earlier in the plans. New there were some not to rivet but I dimpled all the holes. Will this be a problem for me later?
Wish you had posted this a week ago. I did not notice that earlier in the plans. New there were some not to rivet but I dimpled all the holes. Will this be a problem for me later?

The concern with dimpling the holes for the empennage fairing screws is that the dimples will leave the fairing unsupported in the area immediately around the screws which could potentially cause cracking of the fiberglass.

Meh, I dimpled and riveted before I discovered my mistake. But, just looking at it, I'm guessing by the time I drill out the old rivets, ream the holes out to size, then install the nut plates, no one will ever know.
Don't dimple them if you haven't already...

If you have, squeeze em flat... You're the only one that's gonna know...
Called VANS today and that was there recommendation, take a flush rivet set in a squeezer and flatten the dimples. As long as you only do it once you're OK:)
Install nut plates now.....

I left these open as per the plans, then somehow missed installing the nutplates. Just had to remove my whole tail to get the nut plates on........
I left these open as per the plans, then somehow missed installing the nutplates. Just had to remove my whole tail to get the nut plates on........

:eek: Did you consider using pop rivets for the nut plates? To hold the fairing I would think they would be more than adequate? They also make those floating nut plates that do require rivets or holes. It would seem like both of these options you would be able to easily do with the tail mounted? Did you dimple those holes? Thanks!

Additionally you guys are only talking about the VS but it should apply to the top side of the horizontal stabilizer as well...