
Well Known Member
well, we are getting to the end of the tail section and we will try to build the wings in the same small basement shop!!:D
so, i was looking for some ideas on what others have done for storage of the emp in their 'respectively' small shop!

Put them on the ceiling. Works fine.

I have a similar setup; I drilled from the attic through the ceiling joists for 1/4" threaded rod, then hung padded angle from them. After removing the empennage, I ran some ply between the angles to make a shelf for light items.
anywhere you can find room

you can get creative when you are short on space. My wife was pretty understanding and let me hang parts, completed and raw stock, as wall decorations in almost every room of the house for a couple years (I was without a garage for a couple years when building the wings):

Here's my solution. A few 2x2's, some old carpet and swaq lamp chains, screwed into the ceiling joists.


well, we are getting to the end of the tail section and we will try to build the wings in the same small basement shop!!:D
so, i was looking for some ideas on what others have done for storage of the emp in their 'respectively' small shop!

Carry smaller parts upstairs.Put rudder and VS in one closet behind your thousands T-shirts, one aileron in other closet, second one under your bed and HS along the wall. If your shop is really small and you are hanging everything to the ceiling and on shop walls, remember you will bump on them many times when you get bigger parts. I would avoid storage in small shop, you may dent something even if you are super careful.
Does anyone have any more ideas? It's getting to the point where I need to hide stuff temporarily.
Time Machine

I have a time machine that I go back 543,433 years (Boy, ask me how I had to figure THAT out) and just set stuff on the grass under the tree. I don't bother covering it or protecting it in any way, because when I'm ready for it, I'll just go back to 5 minutes after I dropped it off.

If my wife ever sees one of our electric bills, that will be the end of my plane building. :(


Does anyone have any more ideas? It's getting to the point where I need to hide stuff temporarily.
Used fire hose

Used fire hose from your local FD makes great strapping material. Cut off the metal fittings and attach it to your garage ceiling, then rest your empennage parts from it. Cheap and effective, the fire hose is very strong but won't scratch the Al. Fire depts. have to periodically dump their "old" fire hose, some of it never used...
I put all sorts of stuff under the beds in my house. The prop, control surfaces, stabs. Plus its climate controlled:D
I built a holding fixture much like the wing cradle that's in the plans. I made it small and with the right cutouts for the horz. stab, vert. stab, rudder. I drilled hole in between to hold all the push rods too.
Rick Maury
tail on the fuselage