
Folks, Van's has updated their kit listing page on their website and released both the 14 and the 14A empennage kits - at least from a pricing perspective... No lead times listed yet. Happy ordering!
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Interesting. $3975 for the 14, $3915 for the 14A.

I was hoping to put off the decision on which end to drag for a while longer. I wonder if the -14 just contains a few extra components (ie: the 14A plus) or if it's fundamentally different in some way (ie: no going back)...

here it is Ron: http://vansaircraft.com/public/kit-prices.htm
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Thanks for the pricing, but I guess I'll have to give up building as I must be blind , I still do not the emp pricing on that page. All I see is NYA under emp.
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Good news, I'm not going blind so I can proceed with my build process. A quick call with Scott cleared my vision. Van's made a mistake and posted pricing a little too early. It was only on their web site for app. 15 min. Scott said stay tuned over the week-end for a full release.
From the mothership.....

"A few very observant VAF members may have noticed that the RV-14 Empennage/Tail Cone Kit pricing was posted on our website for a few brief minutes today. Yes, the pricing is final and the Kit is getting very close to release but the pricing post was accidental and is actually scheduled for this coming weekend. We have to update quite a few pieces of literature and not all have been changed just yet. Hold tight and watch for the RV-14 Empennage/Tail Cone pricing and order form this weekend. For those going to AirVenture, the team there will have order forms and pricing information at the booth. FLY SAFE! "
I guess I'm either quite lucky - or quite unlucky to have checked their site at the right moment. Sorry for jumping the gun!
Well Nathan, we just get a few more days to earn $3915. At least now we know what to expect on the weekend. I've been watch the Van's site three or four times a day now for the last week. I think I take a break checking until at least Friday.
Thanks Ron
I was hoping to put off the decision on which end to drag for a while longer. I wonder if the -14 just contains a few extra components (ie: the 14A plus) or if it's fundamentally different in some way (ie: no going back)...

The kit will actually be for the Empenage and aft Fuselage (just like the RV-10).
It will build the portion of the airframe that is aft of the baggage bulkhead.

The aft fuselage for the tail dragger contains extra parts for mounting a tail spring / tail wheel assembly.
Well, I have caught the RV 14 bug!

I had to not build the RV 7 due to life circumstances at the time. But, I am now in a position where this can become reality.

I will be in PDX next week and plan to do a drive by at Vans to check out the 14 if it is there.

Well, I have caught the RV 14 bug!

I had to not build the RV 7 due to life circumstances at the time. But, I am now in a position where this can become reality.

I will be in PDX next week and plan to do a drive by at Vans to check out the 14 if it is there.


Sorry, next week is Oshkosh week... that is where the RV-14A will be.
hope that some good RV14 flight reports emerge. everything read so far was PR / magazines or other "industry people", where a true "the good, the bad, the ugly" report can not be expected. preferrably reports from current 6/7 flyers, i'd like to really know how it compares (short of flying to the states and getting a ride ;-)...
hope that some good RV14 flight reports emerge. everything read so far was PR / magazines or other "industry people", where a true "the good, the bad, the ugly" report can not be expected. preferrably reports from current 6/7 flyers, i'd like to really know how it compares (short of flying to the states and getting a ride ;-)...

Have you seen the article in the March 2013 edition of Kitplanes? Paul Dye writes what appears a fairly unbiased article on the flying qualities. Paul has a couple of RVs himself and I think his professional reputation puts him above writing a 'fluff piece'. However, the review was written testing the unmodified tailplane.


Chris is correct that they have made a few changes to handling qualities since my flight test last September. These are to be expected in an aircraft this new, and I look forwad to trying it again with the modifications. It is, overall, a pleasent aircraft to fly. The reason you see mostly positive reviews in magazines is that most manufatcurers are smart enough to not present an aircraft to the industry until it is ready. It is rare (but not impossible) to get a "bad" review becasue of this. Pretty much all qualified test and evaluation pilots are honest in my experience - that is what gets them future work.
Interesting. $3975 for the 14, $3915 for the 14A.

I was hoping to put off the decision on which end to drag for a while longer. I wonder if the -14 just contains a few extra components (ie: the 14A plus) or if it's fundamentally different in some way (ie: no going back)...

here it is Ron: http://vansaircraft.com/public/kit-prices.htm

The RV-10 tail kit at the moment costs $3790 and I would imagine must be larger as well compared to the 14 tail. Just trying to justify the price here. :confused:
Just trying to justify the price here.

In the end, only you can make that decision...

It isn't totally an apples to apples comparison with the RV-10.
Standard in the 14 kit will be all the wiring (including auto pilot) for that portion of the airplane (I.E., pre-made harnesses, etc.), the static system, different elevator trailing edges that are more expensive...
In the end, only you can make that decision...

It isn't totally an apples to apples comparison with the RV-10.
Standard in the 14 kit will be all the wiring (including auto pilot) for that portion of the airplane (I.E., pre-made harnesses, etc.), the static system, different elevator trailing edges that are more expensive...

Thanks for your input rvbuilder. You have a very good point here, I did'nt take the above into consideration. I guess another thing would be that the 14 tail is beefed up for aerobics compared to the 10. Makes more sense now.:)
Empennage Released Again!

It's official on Van's site, pricing and on the order form. Looks like they also added a Strobe/Position Light Kit that I don't remember seeing when I ordered my wing kit last week. I was waiting on the tail, but in the end, I think I will benefit from all of you that have been building the wings and posting your results and observations. Thanks and I can't wait for my wings to get here.
I'm blind once again. I see that the price is listed and 10 weeks away, but do not see the emp. order form. Help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks Ron
I'm blind once again. I see that the price is listed and 10 weeks away, but do not see the emp. order form. Help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks Ron

I got a link in an email from Vans. I sent you a PM with the link.
I think people are confusing the wing order form with the emp. form that apparently isn't up yet.
You guys need to "do some of that Eye-Tee shift, Mav" and clear or refresh your cache, as I see the empennage prices on each and every one of the links (my first time clicking any of them) including the order form.
For those of you with the Emp. form can you till me the crating charge? The wings are $85 , I was just wandering so I knew the total cost for tomorrow.
Thanks Ron
Found out this morning I'm not blind, just dumb. Anne at Van's explained if you have Van's on a favorite tab that you need to refresh in order to get the new forms or something like that. Sorry for not believing the RV-14 members here. PS I sorta knew something was up .
Thankfully Anne sent me an order form and I faxed off the order. As in my above post she suggested refreshing my favorite link or better yet Google and enter with a new link. Well neither worked, my computer just isn't interested in providing the new order form on Van's site. Also on Van's main page the RV-14 update says updated on July 29th but has the same text.
Oh well I still have VAF to keep me up to date.
I ordered my tail kit on Friday at Oshkosh. Starting there and not with the wings. 10 weeks is what they told me.

I'm quite excited. Then those sneaky *******s at cleveland Tools lured me in next door and I bought a squeeze box from them too...

waiting with baited breath
