
Well Known Member
Well I finally ordered the empennage, Well I filled out the order form and wrote the cheque, I'll be posting it tomorrow. Best batten down the hatches everyone for all the stupid, dumb questions which I'm sure I'll end up asking.

good to hear you just jumped in, now have some fun with it, and there are no stupid questions. Ask away. :) @ T74, come see us.
You've embarked upon a journey filled with joys, frustrations, new friends and written checks. Enjoy!
Im a bit ahead of you - finished the empennage and working on the wings. I am having a great time and enjoying even the boring stuff! Good luck and have fun with your build.
Reserved a place

I've booked a place on the course, am waiting for their reply.

I have done some panel work on a Luscombe 8a that I used to co own, because my partner kept bending it. But that was a long time ago.:mad:

Hopefully see you there Izzy.

I'll be the tall guy with the british accent:D
Looking forward to it!

I've booked a place on the course, am waiting for their reply.

I have done some panel work on a Luscombe 8a that I used to co own, because my partner kept bending it. But that was a long time ago.:mad:

Hopefully see you there Izzy.

I'll be the tall guy with the british accent:D

Glad to hear you are planning to attend the class Roger. I will be the tall guy without the British Accent :D There is also another guy from the forum that is planning on attending... he was interested in the -10, his name was K.C. (KCBerner). Should be a good time! See you in Waco!
I will be the tall guy without the British Accent :D There is also another guy from the forum that is planning on attending... he was interested in the -10, his name was K.C. (KCBerner). Should be a good time! See you in Waco!

I will be the tall guy without the British Accent :D
I guess I was a bit presumptuous there.:eek:

Yes it should be a good time, and hopefully I'll actually remember what we're taught.

See you there Jim
Starting Your RV-8

Congratulations! I almost envy you. I started on my tail kit on Sept 22,1997, nearly fifteen years ago. Like most new builders, I wasn't sure I could do this! I kept looking for anything I could do, not drill that first hole. I finally ran out of excuses and started work on N80434. (80434 was my kit number and later my N number). I gained confidence as completed parts began to add up, and by the end of the build, I believed I could do anything.

Building the Doll became like a good book I couldn't put down. I went through all the emotions they warn you about. I loved the highs, and hated the lows, but when each new part was completed, I'd stare at it and say out loud: "I can't believe I did that". After the Doll was complete and flying, I would put her away, lock the hanger, and head for the car, only to return to the hanger door, unlock it, open it, and look at the Doll and think: I can't believe I did that!

You are in for the experience of you life! Have fun.
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Congratulations! I almost envy you. I started on my tail kit on Sept 22,1997, nearly fifteen years ago. Like most new builders, I wasn't sure I could do this! I kept looking for anything I could do, not drill that first hole. I finally ran out of excuses and started work on N80434. (80434 was my kit number and later my N number). I gained confidence as completed parts began to add up, and by the end of the build, I believed I could do anything.

Building the Doll became like a good book I couldn't put down. I went through all the emotions they warn you about. I loved the highs, and hated the lows, but when each new part was completed, I'd stare at it and say out loud: "I can't believe I did that". After the Doll was complete and flying, I would put her away, lock the hanger, and head for the car, only to return to the hanger door, unlock it, open it, and look at the Doll and think: I can't believe I did that!

You are in for the experience of you life! Have fun.

Well said Danny! I agree 100%

Welcome to the -8 club!
Empennage Ordering

Im also new here, in maryland, and faxing in my order form for empennage for RV-8A tomorrow....

pretty excited, waiting for tools to be delivered as well.
Good on you too Mark!

Im also new here, in maryland, and faxing in my order form for empennage for RV-8A tomorrow....

pretty excited, waiting for tools to be delivered as well.

Glad to see another builder diving in too Mark... nice choice on the -7 too!

There is also another guy from the forum that is planning on attending... he was interested in the -10, his name was K.C. (KCBerner). Should be a good time! See you in Waco!

Driving down tonight. Looking forward to meeting you both.
Well done Mark! We should have some fun building, my hands are bored they need something to build.

Hi KC, my wife and I are driving up this afternoon, see you and Jim tomorrow
Welcome Aboard!!

It is so cool to get some new builders welcomed into our little community! I see lots of texas and colorado connections on this thread. There are no dumb questions. Better to ask than to make bad metal. When I built, I did it at the airport. I was lucky enough to have a hangar neighbor that owns a 7a. Rusty is a great friend and was instrumental in helping me reach my goals so quickly. If the plans didn't make sense... well, I went over to his hangar and took a look at his airplane. It was a big help to see the real thing and then take another look at the drawings and then the parts in box. Try to make some RV friends at an airport near where you live so you can "take a look". Rooster and Bullet and Glider are good friends to myself and Amanda. They took us on lots of rides and kept us motivated while we fevorisly built our little plane. Good luck and we will see you at the next texas flyin!
Figured I would check in so y'all could find me. I was the not-quite-as-tall-as-I-once-thought-I-was guy in the EAA class in Waco, the one working with the very tall Brit.

It was great to meet you all, and hopefully we will all be flying our own creations before too long.

N994 reserved for a planned RV-8A
Let me be the first....

Figured I would check in so y'all could find me. I was the not-quite-as-tall-as-I-once-thought-I-was guy in the EAA class in Waco, the one working with the very tall Brit.

It was great to meet you all, and hopefully we will all be flying our own creations before too long.

N994 reserved for a planned RV-8A

Welcome aboard John! Glad you are a part of this big happy family! Waco was a good experience for sure! We had lots of tall people and lots of RV-8(A) discussion & planning! Lots of good info here as well. I told you about other people's handles - "moondog" is the guy that I sat next to in the class... a great guy from Galveston - working on a -7 QB.
Welcome aboard John! Glad you are a part of this big happy family! Waco was a good experience for sure! We had lots of tall people and lots of RV-8(A) discussion & planning! Lots of good info here as well. I told you about other people's handles - "moondog" is the guy that I sat next to in the class... a great guy from Galveston - working on a -7 QB.

Yeah John, as Jim says welcome, it's a good place to be, here.