Well Known Member
When the F-01479 aft skin is installed, be sure to place the top-most tabs of the F-01412a bulkhead inside of the F-01418B L and R longerons, i.e., the longerons fit between the bulkhead tab and the skin. If you miss this, the aft-most three predrilled holes in the longerons and the F-01414 aft deck will not line up. Ask me how I know . . . Doh! I have sent a note to Van's suggesting they place a note on page 10-17 to this effect. There is already a note stating to place the F-01479 skin between the F-01410 bulkhead and the F-01478 bottom skin. I have also asked for a recommended repair, as I have already installed the left and right skins.
I feel your pain. I made an almost identical error except that the way I messed up caused the last three pre-drilled holes of the F-1414 Aft Deck on the mistake side to be misaligned. Brace yourself--you're not going to like the answer you get back from Van's. And when they tell you it's not that hard to correct, don't believe them. I ordered a guided rivet removal tool from Spruce and I think it may have saved a couple of oops rivets.

A caution note in the plans would help. I did the other side correctly and didn't notice the subtle difference until weeks later when I tried to install the Aft Deck. Good luck.
The answer I got from Scott when I called in was to match drill the aft deck through the existing 3 aft longerons holes on each side, plus install 3 additional rivets on each side,through new holes in the aft deck and longerons, between the existing holes. We both felt this would have less risk than removing and replacing the 30-odd rivets already installed in the aft bulkhead. I am not thrilled with finding myself in this situation, which is why I wrote the warning for others. My consolation is I am confident in the structural integrity provided by the "fix" and I don't believe anything will be visible from outside.
Seriously? That's exactly what I asked if I should do. Here's the copy/paste from my email:

"Is it acceptable to match drill 3 new holes next to the existing ones, or is complete disassembly required?"

And here's the answer I got:

"Simply hogging out the holes is not a real good solution. Taking it apart and doing it right won?t take as long as you think?.but do it carefully."
I like my answer better and think it provides structural confidence without the risk of significant unnecessary damage to skins, longerons, stiffeners, and the twin bulkhead. I think your experience confirms my concern. Better for the next guys to avoid the whole deal!