
Well Known Member
I just finished the Empennage/Aft Fuselage Kit of my 14A project and was going over the "leftover" parts:) pile. I have a sealed plastic bag labeled 3042 containing several miscellaneous items. The inventory sheet I have only lists the ss screws. Most of the contents I can account for, however, there is one item that has me curious. There are two keys on a ring. Would these be keys to the ignition and just incentive/cruel joke from Vans to keep building?:)
Shawn, I guess you got some bonus stuff 'cause I didn't get any keys or a few other things in that pic.
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Those keys are for your ignition switch that Vans is going to send you in a few years. Dont you know, Vans is claroyant. I swear one of these days i am going to find spare parts on my door step before I screw up.
Thanks Guys

Thanks for checking.
I guess the extra items were put there by the original builder. It was just unusual that that the plastic bag was sealed closed. All he had completed was the inventory so maybe he used bag 3042 to keep track of these "extra" items for future use.

Oh well..guess I'll have to wait a little longer before I get the keys to my new RV:)
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Imagine if, after ordering all your sub kits and completing assembly, avionics are complete, you go to fire the engine for the first time. You think 'what the heck...' and try the key from bag 3042 in the ignition. And it works!!

I mean, there's an ignition out there somewhere that that key fits into. Right?

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Yeh , to be discovered in two years with a question about "bag 1732" in the RV-7 section.
"I have this ignition switch, when or how do I get the keys? "

We, of course being humorous 14ers, will write.......
Here ya go.....I thought....let's see how smart the internet....
Search " key A126" and it came up Bosch Security key , like for an alarm system.
I didn't know the 7 came with an alarm.